Kover Your Ears: Kars4Kids Charity Wins Legal Battle. The Jingle Lives On

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By Car Brand Experts

Kars4Kids Charity Wins Legal Battle Over Jingle Trademark

Kars4Kids Charity Prevails in Legal Dispute Over Jingle Trademark

The infamous jingle of Kars4Kids, a New Jersey-based charity, has been at the center of a legal battle that has now taken a turn in favor of the charity. Initially ordered to pay millions for trademark infringement, Kars4Kids successfully appealed, resulting in the reversal of the penalty. The charity can now continue to use its name and jingle in Texas, much to the relief of its supporters.

Court Reversal: A Victory for Kars4Kids

After a long legal tussle with Texas-based charity America Can! Cars of Kids, Kars4Kids emerged victorious as the appellate court overturned the original ruling. This decision allows Kars4Kids to maintain its brand identity and use its iconic jingle without hindrance.

Charity’s Response

Esti Landau, the COO of Kars4Kids, expressed satisfaction with the court’s decision, emphasizing the charity’s brand recognition and goodwill. The organization looks forward to continuing its charitable work and maximizing support for its programs through vehicle donations.

Future Implications

Despite America Can! expressing disappointment with the court’s decision, Kars4Kids can now operate nationwide without limitations, ensuring that its jingle will persist in the public consciousness for the foreseeable future.


The legal victory for Kars4Kids marks a significant milestone in its efforts to maintain its brand identity and continue its charitable work unhindered. With the court ruling in its favor, the charity can now focus on its mission of providing support to those in need.


Q: What was the initial penalty Kars4Kids was ordered to pay for trademark infringement?

A: Kars4Kids was initially ordered to pay $10.6 million, which was later reduced to $7.8 million.

Q: How did the appellate court rule in the legal battle between Kars4Kids and America Can! Cars of Kids?

A: The appellate court reversed the original penalty, allowing Kars4Kids to continue using its name and jingle in Texas.

Q: What is the significance of the court’s decision for Kars4Kids?

A: The court’s decision enables Kars4Kids to operate nationwide without restrictions, ensuring the continuity of its charitable programs and iconic jingle.

By resolving this legal dispute, Kars4Kids can now focus on its charitable initiatives and the support it provides to those in need.

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