Everyday in French Polynesia, Coral Gardeners Celebrate World Oceans Day

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By Car Brand Experts

If you’ve visited Tahiti with Windstar in recent years, you’re likely familiar with its collaboration with Coral Gardeners, the nonprofit organization based in Moorea. Their primary goal is to transform ocean preservation and establish a global initiative to safeguard coral reefs.

Since Windstar initiated its partnership in 2022 with an initial corporate contribution, both the company and guests have collectively adopted 3,660 corals as of May 2024. Guests on all Tahiti-bound cruises have the option to contribute through a $35 donation. This donation program has now expanded to all vessels in Windstar’s fleet.

Discover more about Windstar’s collaboration with Coral Gardeners and its significance

During my voyage on Star Breeze in February, I had the privilege of speaking with Hannah Stewart, the head of science and reforestation at Coral Gardeners (before joining the organization, she served as a developer/director at the University of California, Berkely; the Canadian resident lives year-round in Moorea). In our discussion, she elaborated on how the non-profit is growing and broadening its scope, and why coral health is crucial in French Polynesia – as well as worldwide.

As of December 2023, Coral Gardeners has shared that they have planted 100,870 corals, covering 12,494 square meters of reef. They have restored 11 reefs with 45 different coral species.

Q: Hannah, could you provide insight into the origins of Coral Gardeners?

A: Titouan Bernicot is our founder. His parents managed a pearl farm, and he spent his formative years immersed in the water – it was his lifeblood then, and it remains so now. One day while surfing, he noticed the corals had turned white, bleaching. It was the first time he realized the dire situation facing his cherished ocean home. He commenced with a plan to save the reef he cherished. However, the issue extended beyond their local reef. Consequently, in 2017, at the age of 16, he established Coral Gardeners.

Q: What is the core mission of Coral Gardeners?

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Exploring the Waters of Moorea

A: Our primary focus revolves around the restoration of coral reefs. Through cutting-edge techniques and methodologies, our team cultivates and plants resilient corals to rejuvenate reef ecosystems. Our objective is to extend restoration efforts globally and empower local communities to become coral stewards as part of a sustainable economic approach.

Our endeavors encompass three key principles. The first being reef restoration, naturally, but without raising awareness, this task is unattainable, hence it constitutes our second pillar. Ultimately, innovation plays a pivotal role, inspiring the creation of CG Labs, utilizing technology, scientific knowledge, computational tools (AI), and statistics to bolster our mission. CG Labs is exceptionally remarkable. If I envision it, they can actualize it.

Q: Coral Gardeners is engaged in coral reef revitalization beyond merely Moorea and French Polynesia. Could you elaborate on your expansion efforts?

A: Initially, it’s vital to acknowledge the significant value Moorea and French Polynesia hold for us. We are deeply rooted here, employing locals, and at the heart of our mission is offering local residents a vocation that safeguards their own environment. More than 7,000 individuals locally have undergone education, ranging from schoolchildren who have taken on the role of mini coral gardeners to fishermen and government officials.

Furthermore, our reach extends beyond. We established our initial international outpost in Fiji, on Malolo Island, within the expanse of the Polynesian Triangle, home to the third-largest barrier reef globally. There, we seeded three recently established nurseries with approximately 11,000 corals, sourced from the wild due to their thermal resilience and biodiversity, concentrating on Acropora and Pocillopora – mirroring our strategy in French Polynesia. Moreover, the team managed to transplant nearly an equal number of corals, salvaged from the seafloor and reinstated in reef areas where they have a higher probability of flourishing independently.

Thailand is our next destination. Coral Gardeners is collaborating with the regional community to educate aspiring gardeners in restoring coral reefs previously impacted by dynamite fishing in certain regions.

Q: How can Windstar voyagers engage more actively?

Coral Gardeners HQ
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Exploring Coral Gardeners’ Facilities in Moorea, with Hannah Stewart (left) and colleagues leading the tour (spot Star Breeze in the background!)

A: Look out for our latest collaboration with Windstar – we are preparing to provide two distinct experiences when Star Breeze visits Moorea. The first, a more introductory outing, takes you to our headquarters where you receive fundamental knowledge on coral reef revival, followed by the opportunity to nurture our nursery garden in Paopao Bay. You can snorkel to our floating coral tree nurseries situated just beneath the water’s surface.

For a more immersive encounter, you can journey to our oceanic garden, located within our largest nursery in Tiaia.

Onboard, Tahiti itineraries showcase an informative speaker series as Star Breeze docks at Moorea. The enlightening lecture by a member of the Coral Gardeners team raises awareness and educates passengers on coral reef conservation. Newly developed videos and brochures are accessible to all guests and tour operators worldwide.

Furthermore, the opportunity to adopt a coral is not restricted to passengers traveling on French Polynesian routes aboard Star Breeze. All of Windstar’s vessels provide this opportunity.

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