Wild At Rudskogen: Gatebil’s Main Event of 2024

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By Car Brand Experts

Beyond capturing the prime moments from Gatebil’s 2024 Main Event at Rudskogen Motorsenter in Norway, my aim this year was also to experience riding in a high-performance drift car.

Requesting permission from strangers to ride along is a challenge for me. However, I then realized – I have numerous acquaintances participating in Gatebil. I could approach any one of them.


During Saturday’s drift sessions in full motion, I positioned myself at that famous drift starting point on Rudskogen’s primary straight, trying to identify a suitable vehicle.


This statement recurs annually, but standing at this spot, with just a slender metal barricade shielding you from approaching drift cars at speeds exceeding 200km/h, is truly electrifying. I swiftly identified the driver I desired to join for the ride.


Witness the Mercedes-Benz A-Class by Olav Haugen Hasdal, equipped with a twin-turbo BMW V8 generating 700hp.


I’ve observed Olav participating in Gatebil events for several years, and he was delighted to assist in realizing my ambition of becoming a drift passenger. I bid farewell to my former life as we ventured onto the track.


In no time, Olav caught up with the group. We swiftly shifted into full tandem mode, with Odd-Helge Helstad in his 2JZ S14.5 leading, trailed by Max Vonka in his ex-D1 Grand Prix Nissan Silvia S15, and Ludvik Vonka in his grassroots S15.


After a few turns merging seamlessly with the S-chassis trio, I began to comprehend why individuals dedicate themselves to this sport. Nothing can quite match the sensation of gravitational forces propelling you into your seat as the car’s front end steers in an unfamiliar direction.


Before I could ponder further, we emerged from Paris Corner in tandem and headed towards Rudskogen’s main straight.

My attempt at capturing the speedometer showing 210km/h was interrupted when Olav abruptly steered towards the steel barrier and skillfully maneuvered his Mercedes into the first corner, sliding backward. I tightly grasped my camera between my legs, anticipating the unpredictable ride.


Eventually, Ludvik caught up with us, and we spent the rest of the laps in a similar adrenaline-fueled manner.


Feeling utterly astonished by the surreal experience, all I could manage as we made our way back to the pits was to repeat the word ‘mind-blowing’ in Swedish, continuously. Extending gratitude to Olav for the unforgettable ride, I removed the borrowed racing suit, surprisingly dry, reflecting on the unparalleled adventure.


A moment was needed to soothe the rush of adrenaline in my veins. Strolling through the paddock and conversing with some fellow Icelanders proved to be calming.


When the intensity subsided later in the day, the mesmerizing Gatebil’s Show Garden beckoned for exploration. Here, exquisite show cars from various parts of Scandinavia adorn the go-kart track under the primary circuit.



There appears to be a strong presence of German automobile manufacturers at this sector of Gatebil, with a particular preference among enthusiasts for BMW. This M240i equipped with RAYS Volk Racing TE37s immediately caught my eye.


It’s a common sight in Scandinavia to witness a strong appreciation for Volvo vehicles as well.


A similar passion is also evident for Japanese vehicles, despite the escalating prices for models such as this unmodified Euro-spec Mazda RX-7.


Thankfully, enthusiasts continue to show interest in customizing these vehicles, a fact that I wholeheartedly endorse.


One of the most renowned sub-events at Gatebil is the Breisladden, also known as the power-slide competition. This year, more than 130 participants registered for the qualifying session on Saturday afternoon, a number that might surprise you for not being a record. Nonetheless, it led to a protracted and thrilling contest.


Contrary to the Super 3, where trios of drivers slide as tightly as possible, the Breisladden focuses on individuals achieving superior drifts while maintaining both angle and velocity. This year, the rain led to a somewhat altered scenario with the emphasis shifting towards car control being crucial.


Several drivers transformed the Breisladden into a spectacle. The decreased speeds allowed for remarkable maneuvers, including one-handed drifts. I even observed a driver removing and waving his steering wheel while drifting.


The challenges heightened as water accumulated on the circuit. Even the Audis struggled with their renowned all-wheel drive drifts.


Nonetheless, this didn’t hinder the drivers from having an absolute blast. As the final cars began their qualifying runs, I decided to call it a day due to the pouring rain.


The following morning, as I woke up for the event’s final day, the weather hadn’t improved. The rain persisted, and everyone had come to terms with the fact that the Breisladden finale would take place in wet conditions.


WhileI prefer not to be excessively pessimistic; what I witnessed was quite melancholic. The grandstands were nearly deserted and the excitement had all but faded. That changed when I caught sight of the Norwegian daredevil Morten Lyngøy. The likelihood of witnessing him without a grin on his face is as rare as winning the lottery.


The racers were lined up, tires somewhat warmed up, and it was time for me to relish the final moments at the 2024 Main Event of Gatebil.


The top three positions – Morten Lyngøy in third, Ole Morten Davanger in second, and Odd-Helge Helstad in first place, was handled the wet track with ease.


I harbored doubts concerning the ultimate Gatebil Extreme race. However, I was not taken aback when the fleet of about thirty cars zoomed past with water spray behind them.

Given the abundance of water and horsepower, it was expected that some cars would go off-track. Thankfully, no significant incidents occurred.


Mads Siljehaug once again emerged victorious, claiming first place ahead of the emblematic figure of Gatebil Extreme, Kai Roger Bakken.


Observing the final track squad being awarded their prizes always brings about a peculiar sensation. It seems like it’s time to pack your belongings and return home.


During the six-hour journey back to Stockholm, Sweden, I had the opportunity to contemplate the most outstanding Scandinavian event of the summer schedule. Once again, Gatebil’s Main Event did not disappoint, despite the unfavorable weather conditions this time around. I still have more exciting content from the event to share with you, so be sure to stay tuned for that.


Gatebil will venture into Germany next year, with an exciting new event scheduled to take place at Circuit Meppen in Lower Saxony. I am eagerly looking forward to showcasing the German crowd how Scandinavians celebrate in true Gatebil fashion. Lass uns gehen!

Alen Haseta
Instagram: hazetaa

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