Updates from Koenigsegg on Investigation into Jesko Fire Incident

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By Car Brand Experts

An official statement has been issued by Koenigsegg concerning the recent fire incident involving a Jesko in Greece. The car was transported to the Angelholm factory for a thorough examination following the occurrence, and the results of the investigation have now been made public.

Koenigsegg has eliminated the fuel tank, engine oil, and gearbox oil system as potential causes of the fire. Instead, the focus is now on the hydraulic system which appears to be the likely source. Evidence of a hydraulic fluid streak behind the car on the road suggests that a pressurized hydraulic hose may have been compromised.

All Jesko owners have been instructed not to drive their vehicles as Koenigsegg has issued a precautionary measure. A thorough inspection of all cars for potential hydraulic hose defects is underway. Additionally, the company is developing a software update that can detect a pressure drop or leak within a second, triggering an immediate shutdown of the hydraulic system.

Official statement:

Following the recent Jesko fire incident in Greece, Koenigsegg has conducted a continuous investigation to determine the root cause.

Remarkably, no injuries were reported, for which we are immensely grateful.

We have advised all Jesko owners to refrain from driving their vehicles until we have a comprehensive understanding of the situation and have gathered all cars at our service centers.

Despite the fire, the fuel tank, engine oil, and gearbox oil system remained intact and unaffected, excluding them as the cause of the incident.

A trail of hydraulic fluid behind the car led us to scrutinize the pressurized hydraulic system, the only system containing such fluid.

Upon close inspection of the vehicle, a compromised pressurized hydraulic hose was discovered at the rear, confirming it as the ignition point based on the fluid trail.

We are conducting extensive checks on the installation of hydraulic hoses in this region for all production and existing Jesko models to ensure their integrity.

As an added safety measure, we are in the process of testing and refining a software update capable of promptly identifying pressure irregularities or leaks and initiating an immediate hydraulic system shutdown to prevent any potential fire hazards in the future.

We aim to release the initial version of this software enhancement by the end of the following week, followed by thorough vehicle assessments and updates shortly after.

We extend our profound gratitude to the owner of the vehicle in Greece for his continual support, and we will provide him with a replacement car to continue his Koenigsegg experience.

With Regards,
Christian von Koenigsegg

Source: Koenigsegg

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