Top 10 crucial spare parts for your towing vehicle essential for your travels

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By Car Brand Experts

Ensuring your caravan is well-equipped is vital, but don’t forget about your tow vehicle. Below are 10 necessary spare parts you must have on hand for your touring adventures.

Just before setting off on any journey, the recurring question arises: what spare parts should we bring along? We’ve compiled a list of 10 critical spare parts for your towing vehicle that will come to your rescue in case of any unforeseen issues along the way.

Radiator tubing

Radiator Hose vehicle spares
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If your radiator hoses date back to ancient times, it may be wise to have a spare set. Consider any small additional tubes as well. Some vehicles have a hidden hose behind the engine that, if it fails, could spell trouble. Ensure you have spare upper and lower hoses as well as self-amalgamating tape, which can be a quick fix in emergencies.

Drive straps

Spare Drive Belt vehicle spares
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Spare drive belts are a must. A broken belt in remote areas can result in failure of critical components like the water pump, alternator, and, in some cases, steering pump and air conditioning. Keep a fresh spare belt that is not ancient and brittle.


For off-road ventures or long dusty trails, an extra filter element for your airbox is a smart precaution. During extended journeys, especially in dusty conditions, your air filter may get clogged. It’s advisable to replace the air filter halfway through your trip to enhance engine performance and fuel efficiency. Additionally, carry spare fuel and oil filters.

Constant velocity joints

Cv Joint
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As many modern 4x4s feature independent front suspension, CV joint failures are common. The frequency of these failures depends on your driving habits and the terrains you traverse. If space permits, consider carrying a spare set, or alternatively, drive cautiously if you don’t have extra CV joints.

Electrical generator (or bristles)

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If you anticipate encountering water or mud on your route, your alternator is prone to damage. Mud from rough tracks or grit from water crossings can take a toll on your alternator. Keep a spare if possible, or if you’re skilled with tools, have an extra set of brushes, which are common alternator components that can be quickly replaced. However, if the voltage regulator malfunctions, you may face difficulties.

Ignition engine

For automatic vehicles, particularly during remote travels, carrying a spare starter motor can be beneficial. Manual transmissions can usually be driven back home as long as you park on an incline. In contrast, an automatic vehicle won’t move without a functioning starter.

Wheel hubs

Wheel Bearings
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Having extra wheel bearings on hand is advisable, or at the very least, carry a hub socket and a container of grease to adjust them as needed. When towing a trailer, it’s wise to have spare bearings for it as well. If you do bring bearings, ensure you have the correct-sized hub socket – a lesson learned the hard way.

Vehicle-specific components

This aspect depends on the make and model of your vehicle. Are there any components or sensors known to fail unexpectedly? Conduct some research, consult fellow owners or a mechanic to identify specific parts you should have on hand. This foresight could save you from costly breakdowns or lengthy waits for replacement parts.

Baling wire

Fencing Wire And Cable Ties
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You’ll be amazed at the solutions that can be improvised with baling wire. While it may not fix the issue permanently, it can prevent further damage. For instance, secure a broken exhaust hanger using baling wire to prevent it from falling off and potentially causing more harm. Baling wire has countless applications, requiring some creative thinking at times. Don’t forget plenty of cable ties.

Top 10 spares to carry when touring 1
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Spare parts and consumables

Consider having essential items like WD-40, duct tape, metal putty, and RTV sealant at hand, along with a vast supply of cable ties. While these items may not be regularly used, you’ll be thankful to have them when the need arises. Also, include a ground sheet for more comfortable maintenance tasks, making repairs less stressful when done in a dry and comfortable environment.

Final considerations

After equipping yourself with all critical spare parts for your 4×4, ensure you also have the necessary tools to install them. Carrying spare parts is futile if you lack the means to replace faulty components. Make certain you possess the tools required to address potential issues successfully, as not having the right tools renders spare parts useless.

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