Tips for Staying Chilled in Your RV: A Single Issue, A Pair of SoftStart Solutions

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Moving from DIY to Plug-and-Play: SoftStartUSA Offers SoftStart Alternatives for All RV Enthusiasts

The rise in RV air conditioning softstart gadgets continues to capture a growing audience. With the uptick in RVing and the decreasing age of the average RVer, RV manufacturers are making efforts to cater to the reduced price demands of these younger explorers. This often results in sacrifices in power-management abilities and functionality of certain components. For instance, many of the 13.5k air conditioning systems lack a starting capacitor. Advanced power and load-balancing technology are usually reserved for upscale RV models.

These inadequacies become apparent in subtle ways that may not be immediately noticeable to an RV owner. However, they are often exposed at the most inconvenient moments, particularly during the peak of summer. When your RV air conditioners are yearning for and sapping all available power, compromises must be made. You might find yourself with insufficient power to run the microwave or electric cooktop. On lower amperage power outlets, such as 30-amp, you might not even be able to kickstart one or more of your RV’s A/C units, leaving you both literally and figuratively steamed.

SoftStartUSA has crafted two softstart products that tackle these issues head-on. The time-tested DIY SoftStartRV is a straightforward DIY setup on the RV’s rooftop for each A/C unit. Meanwhile, the newer SoftStartUp effortlessly plugs into the pedestal, presenting a simple fix for any RVer.

The Latest SoftStart Innovation: SoftStartUp

The most recent rendition of the SoftStartUp has undergone a crucial update and rigorous testing by renowned RV Electricity expert, Mike Sokol. The primary objective was to address nearly every power scenario or permutation an RVer might encounter. One of these challenges was addressing the previously stated A/C units lacking a starting capacitor.

A Brief Note on Startup Capacitors

The presence of starting capacitors is common across all air conditioners, be it for homes or RVs. Here’s a succinct explanation of the capacitor’s role:

“An AC capacitor provides the initial burst of power that an air conditioner’s motor necessitates to function efficiently. It accumulates power and channels it to your unit’s motors in bursts powerful enough to commence the cooling cycle in your system.”

Triple A Air Conditioning & Heating

We won’t delve into why a manufacturer may choose to skimp on a $35 component for an $80,000 RV. That’s a discussion for another time. Nevertheless, it is a reality, and a solution exists!


SoftStartUp from SoftStartUSA is a plug-and-play soft starter that plugs into the campground pedestal. Your RV then connects to the SoftStartUp. The programming and circuitry inside the SoftStartUp monitor and regulate the power coming from the pedestal, or even a generator to which you may be connected. It oversees the power distribution to your entire RV, encompassing all your A/C units. This type of device:

  • Eliminates the necessity of climbing onto your RV’s roof.
  • Demands no tools, and no installation other than simple plugging.
  • Requires a one-time purchase, as opposed to buying a softstart for each rooftop air conditioner.

Merits of SoftStartUp

For numerous RVers, avoiding the need to ascend the roof or engage in any installation work is a significant plus. In terms of functionality, SoftStartUp aids in balancing and smoothing the power demands for devices like air conditioners and microwaves, especially on a 30-amp power setup. If you’re moochdocking on a standard 15-amp 110-volt power outlet, you can typically boot up a single A/C unit.

The SoftStartUp ensures you can operate your RV as intended, under nearly any power circumstances. Of course, there are limitations; you won’t power 3 A/C units on a 15-amp connection! However, as long as the amperage required by your intended devices doesn’t exceed the power draw, SoftStartUp will assist in overcoming the power spike necessary to kickstart those appliances.

Mike Sokol showcases the softstart UP.

The Original SoftStartRV

The pioneering SoftStartRV devices are installed beneath the shroud of your rooftop air conditioner. You’ll require one for each A/C unit situated on your RV’s roof. Collectively, these units collaborate to help your RV air conditioners surmount the substantial startup current needed to get the compressor operational. They supplement what the starting capacitor does, and if one isn’t present, they assist in overcoming that deficiency.

These petite SoftStart gadgets are 52% tinier than other models, fully waterproof, and present a straightforward DIY installation for any adept RVer who already handles a large chunk of their upkeep. They can also be affixed by any qualified RV professional. The individual SoftStartRV units possess a notable advantage in that they operate independently of any advanced power management or load-balancing systems typically found in pricier RV models, which may autonomously handle those functions. This grants you the advantages of those sophisticated onboard systems while aiding in delivering that critical startup power an air conditioner necessitates.

Setting Up The SoftStartRV

The installation process for the SoftStartRV variants is similar across various A/C manufacturers. Prior to commencing, consult SoftStartRV’s plethora of support materials that comprise wiring diagrams catering to nearly every A/C model.conceivable. Every major RV air conditioning labels are supported. In case of necessity, the United States-based support squad offers crystal clear and English-fluent live video chat support as well. There are also numerous installation videos you can access, here’s a glimpse:

Similar to any electrical task, it is crucial to deactivate all power sources. To err on the side of caution, cutting off the power at the battery bank and switching off the 12v switch within the RV are recommended. Additionally, unplugging from the pedestal or flipping the breaker to the OFF mode is advised.

Once you have confirmed you can safely ascend (and stay!) on your RV’s roof, the next step is to detach the plastic cover or shield safeguarding your A/C unit from the sun and debris. By now, it is expected that you have referred to and either printed your wiring diagram or made it accessible on your phone or tablet. Each SoftStart device is equipped with an installation kit containing the necessary hardware.

Ideal For Chilly Conditions As Well

Even though the SoftStart products from SoftStartUSA outshine in enhancing the coolness of your warm weather camping experience, it’s essential to remember that frequently, RVs include at least one A/C unit that has dual functionality as a heat pump. Heat pumps are usually effective when the external air temperature is at or above 40-degrees, so unless you prefer to keep milk at room temperature all day, you’ll need to raise the temperature a bit. Just like during the summer, the SoftStartUp and SoftStartRV models will assist in getting your heat pump operational, while also leaving some power for making hot chocolate and warming up the microwave.

Savor the RV LIFE SoftStart Discount

All readers within the wider RV LIFE network can avail of fantastic discounts on SoftStart products. Drop by the SoftStartUp website to explore more about the hassle-free plug-and-play SoftStartUp, and visit the SoftStartRV website to figure out if that particular product suits your needs.

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