Tesla Dominates Top Four as the Most American-Made Cars in Latest Report

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By Car Brand Experts

Top 20 Most American Vehicles

Among the most American-made cars, Tesla takes the lead, with their Model Y, Model 3, Model X, and Model S securing the first four positions. Followed by Honda Passport, Volkswagen ID.4, and various Honda and Acura models. The list also features Toyota, Chevrolet, Kia, and Nissan vehicles.

America’s Preference: Crossovers and SUVs

The majority of the top 100 most American cars are crossovers or SUVs, aligning with the consumer trend towards these versatile vehicles. This preference is evident with SUVs being a top choice for nearly 50% of American car buyers.

Manufacturer Insights

Tesla’s dominance in the top spots reflects their commitment to American manufacturing. However, Toyota emerges as the manufacturer with the highest number of vehicles on the list, showcasing a diverse range of American-made cars, trucks, and SUVs.

Top Manufacturers

While Tesla shines at the top, Toyota surpasses other manufacturers with 11 vehicles in the top 100, demonstrating a strong contribution to the U.S. economy. Volkswagen makes a notable entry with its ID.4 and Atlas models ranking high, emphasizing a growing presence in American manufacturing.

Seeking Authentic American-Made

The study reveals that being assembled in the U.S. doesn’t guarantee a spot on the list. Factors like parts sourcing, manufacturing processes, and job creation play a significant role. Consumers are willing to invest in vehicles that support domestic employment.

By The Numbers: Fuel Types

The study further sheds light on the distribution of fuel types among the top American-made vehicles, providing insights into the evolving landscape of the automotive industry.


Tesla’s remarkable presence in the top spots of the most American-made cars underscores the brand’s commitment to U.S. manufacturing. As consumer preferences shift towards SUVs and crossovers, manufacturers like Tesla, Toyota, and Volkswagen are adapting to meet market demands while contributing significantly to the American economy.


What criteria determine the most American-made cars?

The study considers factors like parts sourcing, manufacturing processes, total employment impact, and consumer perceptions of supporting domestic job creation, leading to the ranking of the most American-made vehicles.

Why are SUVs and crossovers prevalent among the top American-made cars?

SUVs and crossovers dominate the list as they align with the preferences of nearly half of American car buyers, reflecting the market trend towards these versatile and practical vehicles.

How do manufacturers like Toyota and Volkswagen contribute to the U.S. economy despite being foreign brands?

Despite being headquartered overseas, manufacturers like Toyota and Volkswagen play a crucial role in the U.S. economy by producing a significant number of vehicles domestically, creating jobs, and supporting the local automotive industry.# Article Headline:

Top 100 American-Made Vehicles: 22% Are Electrified – The Drive Insights

Exploring the AMI’s Top 100 List

The American-Made Index (AMI) has revealed interesting data, showing that 22% of the vehicles in the top 100 list are electrified. While traditional combustion engines still dominate the list, the significant presence of hybrids, plug-in hybrids, and fully electric vehicles is noteworthy. This trend reflects a shift towards electrification in the automotive industry, indicating changing consumer preferences and eco-conscious decisions.

Consumer Interest and Consideration for EVs

In a separate study by Cars.com, it was discovered that 39% of new car buyers are contemplating the purchase of an electric vehicle (EV). Additionally, 26% are open to the idea. However, for those hesitant about EVs, the primary concern revolves around the overall cost of the vehicle. This insight underscores the importance of addressing price barriers to drive wider EV adoption among consumers.

Access the Full AMI Vehicle List

For those interested in exploring the full array of vehicles featured in the AMI list, the comprehensive compilation can be accessed here.


The AMI’s report showcasing 22% of electrified vehicles in the top 100 list indicates a notable shift towards cleaner, more sustainable transportation choices. As consumer interest in EVs continues to rise, manufacturers and policymakers must prioritize affordability and accessibility to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles.

FAQ Section:

1. What percentage of vehicles in the AMI’s top 100 list are electrified?

22% of the vehicles in the top 100 list of the American-Made Index feature some form of electrification, including hybrids, plug-in hybrids, and fully electric vehicles.

2. What is the main concern for consumers hesitant about purchasing EVs?

The primary concern for consumers hesitant about electric vehicles is the overall cost. Addressing affordability is crucial to increasing EV adoption rates.

3. Where can I find the complete list of vehicles in the AMI ranking?

The detailed list of vehicles in the AMI ranking can be found on Cars.com’s website.

4. What does the consumer study by Cars.com reveal about EV adoption?

According to the Cars.com study, 39% of new car buyers are considering purchasing an EV, while 26% are open to the idea, indicating a growing interest in electric vehicles among consumers.

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