Tesla Cybertruck Gets Worse Towing Range Than Model X With the Same Trailer

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By Car Brand Experts


Tesla Cybertruck Falls Short in Towing Range Compared to Model X With Identical Trailer

Electric pickup trucks like the Tesla Cybertruck aren’t renowned for their towing capabilities, as evidenced by a recent test revealing that the Cybertruck has a lower range when towing than the Model X using the same trailer.

The Test Unveiled the Disparity

Luxury trailer manufacturer Bowlus conducted this test using its Volterra trailer, a sleek camper resembling an Airstream. When connected to a Model X AWD, the trailer achieved a 235-mile range on a charge, showcasing a shortfall of 71% compared to Tesla’s claimed 330-mile range. Given the Cybertruck’s superior towing capacity of 11,000 lbs compared to the Model X’s 5,000 lbs, one would expect better performance.

Disappointing Results for the Cybertruck

However, when the same trailer was hitched to a dual-motor Cybertruck, the outcomes were subpar. Despite driving a mix of highway and rural roads—a favorable scenario for towing—the Cybertruck only managed 160 miles, on par with its previous towing performances.

Implications for Tesla

While it’s well-known that electric trucks struggle with long-distance towing, the contrast between Tesla’s flagship models is striking. This event undermines the Cybertruck’s status as Tesla’s pinnacle vehicle and questions its supposed revolutionary impact, unlike its predecessor, the Model S.


Tesla’s Cybertruck lags in towing range when compared to the Model X, highlighting a noteworthy disparity in performance despite the Cybertruck’s touted capabilities. This revelation challenges its position as Tesla’s premier vehicle and raises questions about its revolutionary potential within the electric vehicle landscape.


1. Why does the Cybertruck have a lower towing range than the Model X?

While electric trucks generally face challenges in long-distance towing, the Cybertruck’s comparative deficiency against the Model X may stem from various factors, including its design and battery capacity.

2. Can the Cybertruck still be considered a reliable towing vehicle?

Despite its towing range shortcomings, the Cybertruck’s robust towing capacity of 11,000 lbs showcases its capability. However, users should be aware of its limitations in long-range towing scenarios.

3. How does Tesla plan to address the Cybertruck’s towing range issue?

With ongoing advancements in electric vehicle technology, Tesla may address the Cybertruck’s towing range through battery enhancements, aerodynamic improvements, and software optimizations to optimize performance during towing activities.

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