Submerged Ford Super Duty Plunges 22 Feet Into Icy Lake With Trailer Linked

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By Car Brand Experts

The pursuit of angling on ice isn’t the principal pastime of Minnesota, yet it might be appropriate. Each winter season, a multitude of nature lovers flock to the frozen expanses of the Land of 10,000 Lakes. That’s precisely what the operator of this ill-fated Ford Super Duty was engaged in when he encountered a fissure in the ice, sending his vehicle plummeting to a submerged resting place approximately two miles from shore at Lake Winnibigoshish.

Luckily, a rescue operation swiftly ensued, orchestrated by Ellis Towing, Recovery, and Ice Recovery. Nevertheless, before we delve further, we have the comprehensive narrative from the driver himself, a cordial (and now dry) Minnesotan by the name of Chris Brown.

The video of Brown’s sunken pickup garnered viral status on TikTok earlier this week, when a snippet uploaded by his girlfriend’s nephew. The viewership rapidly escalated, and as of the time of this publication, the initial TikTok clip has amassed over 4.4 million views and approximately 340,000 likes. There’s a fascination with calamitous occurrences, and it seems an apt descriptor for the circumstances at hand.

“I’ve been engaging in ice fishing at that location with the same truck and ice shelter since 2017,” shared Brown with The Drive during a phone conversation. “For me, a layer of ice measuring sixteen inches is the optimal criterion to venture out, and that was the case.

“It reached a juncture where two crevices intersected at the primary thoroughfare, and unfortunately, I coincidentally hit it.”

Brown relayed that his companion discerned the cracks, and following a brief deliberation, he elected to reverse with his 24-foot trailer still attached. Nonetheless, he could only retreat about ten feet before the front end of his truck commenced inundating with water. The pair narrowly escaped the vehicle before it completely submerged, reaching the lakebed—approximately 22 feet beneath the surface at that specific location.

“We had a fleeting five to six seconds to vacate the premises, or we would have descended to the depths with it,” disclosed Brown. “As the vehicle collided with the lakebed, it oriented vertically, remaining tethered to the ice-based shelter.”

The sole thing that shielded Brown’s partner from grave harm was the door mirror, which became ensnared in the ice. He claims that had it not caught on that obstruction, it could have resulted in severe injuries or worse, potentially maiming her or causing spinal damage as she made her escape through the window. The scenario might have been even direr had this incident occurred at the previous day’s setup location, where the depth plummeted to around 30 feet.

A few benevolent neighbors extended an invitation to their ice dwelling, even furnishing them with dry garments after enduring the chilling subzero conditions. There, they sought refuge and devised a plan for salvaging the Super Duty, prompting the summoning of Ellis Towing, Recovery, and Ice Recovery.

Nearby towing firms frequent these frozen lakes, as mishaps of this nature do occur, albeit not always in such a sensational manner. This crew even boasts specialized recovery equipment.that perches on the ice and spreads out the weight so it’s not concentrated in a single spot. It showcases a system of pulleys that hoists vehicles up and removes them from the water.

“On that evening, the rescue team arrived and they managed to position themselves on the back of the truck,” Brown added. “Their method involves creating holes in the ice, placing T-shaped supports, and connecting cables from there to the ice shelter and the truck to secure them in place and prevent drifting.”

Another video capturing the rescue has garnered an additional four million views and 189,000 likes on TikTok. Following the removal of the Ford from the water, Brown’s business name was revealed: Boonedox Builders, a roofing enterprise in Minnesota. It also displayed his contact number, leading to callers from Montana, North Carolina, and Texas checking in to ensure his well-being.

“I can’t complain about this type of publicity, I suppose,” he joked.

Brown is optimistic that the insurance will cover the damages, as he had previously consulted them regarding driving on the ice. Allegedly, they assured him that as long as he sticks to the main route, there shouldn’t be any problems. Rumor has it that someone was performing doughnuts on the lake the night before, generating waves below the surface that resulted in ice cracking.

Regardless, he is safe—and almost as importantly, so is his ice shelter.

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