Rear-Wheel-Drive Cars Are Back, Baby, and We Have EVs to Thank

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By Car Brand Experts

Rear-Wheel-Drive Cars Making a Comeback in the EV Era

In the automotive industry, front-wheel-drive (FWD) cars have dominated the scene for decades due to their cost-effectiveness and space efficiency. However, with the rise of electric vehicles (EVs), rear-wheel-drive (RWD) cars are staging a comeback, offering improved performance and handling. Let’s explore the resurgence of RWD cars and the impact of EV technology on this shift.

The Evolution of Drive Trains

In the past, FWD was preferred for its economic advantages, but it came at the expense of performance. As EVs increasingly replace traditional combustion engines, many automakers are now opting for RWD configurations, enhancing driving dynamics and agility.

Weight Distribution and Handling

By moving the heavy components, like batteries, to the rear of the vehicle, RWD EVs achieve better weight distribution. This adjustment not only enhances traction but also makes the driving experience more responsive and enjoyable.

Advantages of RWD in EVs

Modern traction control systems in EVs, coupled with optimized weight distribution, offer superior handling capabilities. The strategic placement of the drive unit directly over the rear wheels contributes to better traction, especially in diverse driving conditions.

Not All on Board Yet

While leading manufacturers like Tesla, Volkswagen, and Volvo are embracing RWD in their EVs, some, like Nissan, continue to stick with FWD for specific models. Each automaker evaluates the balance between space efficiency and driving performance when choosing the drive train layout.


The resurgence of RWD cars, fueled by the evolution of EV technology, signifies a shift towards a more engaging driving experience in the electric era. As automakers explore new possibilities for performance and handling, consumers can anticipate a blend of innovation and tradition in future electric vehicles.


Why are automakers shifting towards RWD in EVs?

Automakers are opting for RWD configurations in EVs to enhance driving dynamics, agility, and overall performance. The strategic placement of heavy components like batteries to the rear improves weight distribution and traction.

Are all EVs switching to RWD?

While many automakers are transitioning to RWD in their EV models, some still prefer FWD for specific considerations such as maximizing cargo space. Each manufacturer evaluates the balance between efficiency and driving experience when choosing a drive train layout.

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