Off-Road Nissan Frontier Equipped with Custom Suspension System That Will Boggle Your Mind

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By Car Brand Experts

When the owner of a Nissan Frontier decided to ramp up their serious desert runner build, they tasked the designing shop with creating a custom suspension setup that defies conventional expectations. Surprisingly, the solution they devised not only works but excels.

The progress of the build was captured on the YouTube channel Wheel Every Weekend, showcasing the transformation of a 2012 Nissan Frontier into a desert truck. Initially, the customer requested a spring-under leaf spring rear suspension and flatbed, but mid-project, they shifted gears and added an exo-cage. This change pushed the shop to realize that their standard solutions wouldn’t suffice, leading them to completely overhaul the rear suspension of the Nissan.

To address the challenge, they transitioned to a four-link trailing arm design that initially was intended to incorporate a Panhard rod for axle stability. However, it posed a concern as the Panhard rod risked causing the tire to rub against the frame during extreme articulation, leading to excessive lateral movement. Subsequently, they opted for a more intricate solution—placing an unconventional Watts link that addressed the issue.

This particular mechanism is already present in the suspension setups of some factory off-road vehicles like the Ford Ranger Raptor. Essentially, this system enables vertical axle movement while restricting horizontal shifts, emphasizing stability when navigating large obstacles and high-speed turns on sandy terrains. The distinctive aspect here is its lateral mounting, tailored to meet the recommendations of a trophy truck racer, translating to robust construction that ensures unrestricted suspension travel, allowing for up to 27 inches of travel!

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To truly grasp the complexity of this build and the uniqueness of its components, watching the builder explain it firsthand is highly recommended; although, staying abreast of the details might be challenging at times. This is where the expertise of the pros comes into play.

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