Observe a 1958 Maserati 250F Racing Vehicle Glide Through the Streets of Monaco

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By Car Brand Experts

A resilient framework, lightweight aluminum exterior, and a naturally aspirated, 2.5-liter inline-six engine make for a powerful concoction in a racing vehicle. However, it was the seamless integration of these elements in the Maserati 250F that Stirling Moss fondly recalled as “the most pleasant Formula 1 car with a front engine to drive during its time.” Designed seemingly for driving on the edge of losing control, the 250Fs exhibit a peculiar behavior of lifting their inner front wheel off the ground when executing sharp corners at high speeds, a characteristic that would likely unsettle most drivers. But not the experienced Grand Prix racer Frank Stippler.

Tackling both the challenge of this behavior and the 250F’s slender tires, the German competed with his Maserati at the 2014 Grand Prix de Monaco Historique, securing a second-place finish. His onboard camera captured the event, offering spectators a glimpse into the world of Formula 1 as perceived by drivers in bygone eras. Stippler not only demonstrates the 250F’s inclination for mild oversteer but also highlights the delightful sound produced by a vintage Italian racing engine.

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The remarkable skill displayed by Stippler is amplified by the fact that the 250F boasted an unconventional pedal arrangement, with the brake on the right and the accelerator in the center (all 250Fs, of course, were manual). Maneuvering such a mentally taxing control configuration while racing at top speed through the streets of Monaco is nothing short of heroic, both for Stippler and the predecessors who raced the 250F in its prime. Unfortunately, we cannot compare his lap times with those of historical F1 drivers, as the Monaco Grand Prix track now includes two more chicane sections and a more intricate third sector. Nevertheless, it’s easy to envision Stippler excelling as an adept gentleman driver at the very least…and possibly even achieving legendary status.

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