Mercedes-Maybach Will Transport Individuals to Space (Sort Of)

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By Car Brand Experts

Embarking on a journey to outer space is now presenting novel opportunities in the realm of opulence, and Mercedes-Maybach is embracing this venture wholeheartedly. Teaming up with Space Perspective, Mercedes-Maybach is set to serve as the official chauffeur for travelers embarking on the world’s foremost carbon-neutral spaceflight escapade catering to affluent clientele. Moreover, in addition to ferrying passengers, Mercedes-Maybach might also play a role in crafting the interiors of the pressurized capsule they will be voyaging in.
Pioneered by Jane Poynter and Taber MacCallum, esteemed figures in the aerospace industry, Space Perspective endeavors to introduce sustainable and environmentally-friendly space exploration that is more accessible than ever. The vessel designated for Space Perspective’s “Explorers” is dubbed Spaceship Neptune, which will be carried aloft to 100,000 feet by the company’s colossal SpaceBalloon. While this may not constitute actual space travel and is confined to Earth’s stratosphere, one of the layers encompassing our atmosphere, it does afford an unparalleled vista of the Earth’s terrain, soaring well above the highest reaches reached by conventional aircraft.

<em>Mercedes-Maybach/Space Perspective </em>

Mercedes-Maybach/Space Perspective

Every balloon voyage to the stratosphere encompasses a six-hour itinerary: two hours for ascension to 100,000 feet, two hours of revelry and libations amidst the most awe-inspiring panorama on Earth, and a further two hours for descent. Equipped to accommodate eight passengers along with the pilot, Spaceship Neptune can purportedly undertake 140 expeditions annually as per Space Perspective.

Encompassing a 360-degree panoramic vista within Spaceship Neptune’s “Space Lounge,” guests will be indulged with top-tier dining experiences and premium libations – an epitome of luxury synonymous with a Maybach partnership, especially given the costly fare of $125,000 per ticket for these stratospheric balloon excursions.

Mercedes-Maybach has committed to utilizing electric vehicles for shuttling Space Perspective’s clientele to and fro various facilities, potential events, and the launch facility based in Florida. While no formal confirmation exists regarding Mercedes-Maybach’s involvement in the interior design of the capsule, the two entities are reportedly in the phase of “exploring design and hospitality integrations for Explorers’ end-to-end experiences.”

<em>Jane Poynter (left) and Daniel Lescow, Head of Mercedes-Maybach (right)</em> | <em>Mercedes-Maybach/Space Perspective </em>

Jane Poynter (left) and Daniel Lescow, Head of Mercedes-Maybach (right) | Mercedes-Maybach/Space Perspective

In the remainder of 2023, Space Perspective will resume its unmanned test flights with plans to commence crewed test flights in 2024. By the conclusion of 2024, the company aims to inaugurate paid passenger flights and has already secured over 1,650 bookings from aspiring Explorers. Reservations are currently open, and for those inclined, booking opportunities can be accessed here.

Although this indulgence primarily caters to the ultra-wealthy, the concept is undeniably enticing. Picture enjoying a sumptuous meal and cocktails while floating amid the Earth’s upper-atmospheric realm – an enchanting prospect indeed. Although the altitude of 100,000 feet may fall shy of true outer space, the curvature of the Earth and the abyssal dark expanse of space are in plain sight. Given the means akin to that of a tech tycoon, acquiring a ticket promptly would seem a plausible desire.

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