Mastering Aerial Navigation over Aquatic Surfaces

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By Car Brand Experts

Considering that nearly three-quarters of the planet is enveloped by water, should we not possess a corresponding proportion of RC model seaplanes? It might be a lofty aspiration, yet those who have not ventured into this realm are undeniably forfeiting a remarkable experience. As traditional open flying locations become increasingly scarce, taking to the skies from public bodies of water emerges as a viable and enjoyable substitute to typical terrestrial airstrips.


Although flying from water may seem novel to many RC aviators, seaplanes have been a part of aviation history since the infancy of powered flight. Historic airlines such as Pan American employed massive flying vessels like the Yankee Clipper. The vast regions of Canada’s northern territories were opened up with the aid of bush planes equipped with floats, with iconic models like the de Havilland Beavers, Otters, and Beech 18 still in active service today. Notably, Dick Folsom of Folsom’s Air Service in Maine notably outfitted a DC-3 with floats.


Enthusiasts of scale modeling have a vast array of subjects to choose from, while sport aviation aficionados also have a selection of float-equipped aircraft available. Numerous renowned ARF manufacturers offer float-capable airplanes such as the ElectriFly G-44 Widgeon and Seawind. Float kits are readily accessible for many ARF models, including popular choices like the Hangar 9 J-3 Cub. Irrespective of your aircraft of choice, chances are you can procure floats that can easily be attached.

Soggy Pointers

An abundance of guidance can be found from float manufacturers, online retailers, and in various archived issues of Model Airplane News pertaining to constructing and installing floats, determining optimal step placement, waterproofing radio apparatus, and more. Among the often-overlooked areas are the particulars of flying over saltwater and methods for retrieving a stalled aircraft without necessitating a plunge. Piloting from the waters of Atlantic Canada frequently entails operations on saline or brackish bodies of water. While the flying aspect remains consistent, swift action becomes imperative when unforeseen dampness engulfs your aircraft.


Prioritize ensuring that your receiver, servos, wire connections, and wing mounts are all meticulously sealed. Specialized anti-corrosion sprays for electronics can be obtained from hobby establishments catering to RC boat enthusiasts and play a significant role in safeguarding your equipment. Saltwater’s corrosive tendencies can wreak havoc on electronics if not promptly addressed. In the event that saltwater infiltrates your aircraft’s electronics, diligently disassemble the servo and receiver cases and rinse the components with warm distilled water to expel any salt residue. Subsequently, utilize a hairdryer to thoroughly dry the components, apply protective spray, and then reassemble your RC hardware.


Remember to also purge the airframe components, such as metal pushrods and control horns, with a thorough cleansing and application of anti-corrosive spray. The switch harnesses and servo extensions should not be omitted either. For glow engines, rinse them with fresh warm water, remove the glow plug, carefully expel all water, treat with WD-40, and administer several drops of after-run oil. After reinstating the glow plug, initiate the engine, and cycle a tank of fuel through the system.

Oceanic Rescue Operations

Periodically, you may encounter the need to retrieve a stranded aircraft from the aquatic arena. Club-hosted events often provide access to dinghies, canoes, or rowboats for such scenarios.


During the recovery process, adhere to safe boating protocols by utilizing life jackets and delicately transferring the aircraft into the vessel, accounting for potential added weight due to water accumulation. An entertaining alternative for salvaging a stranded seaplane involves leveraging an RC boat.


By tethering a tennis ball to a 20-foot fishing line connected to the RC boat, you can efficiently retrieve a grounded floatplane.


Engage in a series of circular maneuvers around the aircraft with the tennis ball; once snagged, effortlessly tow the aircraft back to shore. This method may demand some practice but is undeniably exhilarating.

Closing Reflections

Floats (3)

A multitude of RC clubs host float fly events, and some enthusiasts regularly engage in seaplane activities throughout the year. While a degree of preparation is necessary, this mode of aerial navigation proves to be a tranquil and gratifying pursuit. Trainers, scale replicas, sport crafts, aerobatic models, and virtually any other aircraft can be adeptly outfitted for aquatic flight operations.

Embark on this journey – the thrill undoubtedly awaits!


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