It’s Claimed the Fiat Panda 4×4 Shouldn’t Be Imported. They’re Absolutely Incorrect

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By Car Brand Experts

Just seven days back, this vintage 1992 Fiat Panda 4×4 was docked on a vessel. Merely twenty minutes ago, it remained cloaked in dust within a cargo depot. Now, post a basic pre-drive inspection and topped-up fuel tank, it’s cruising on a vast, ten-lane highway in Texas. It’s doubtful Turin envisioned this scenario nearly thirty years ago when it crafted the automobile.

Remarkably, there are actually a pair of identical Pandas that traveled together earlier this summer aboard a cargo container from Genoa, Italy. Soon, one acquired the moniker “The Good Panda” while the other assumed the title of “The Bad Panda.” Nevertheless, their designations interchanged a few times as we unveiled more of their idiosyncrasies. Initially, they were merely recognized as “The Pandas.” They arrived to challenge a prevailing notion. Common belief suggests that importing Fiat Panda 4x4s is futile—deemed too economical, specialized, and peculiar for this expansive nation. However, we suspected otherwise. That’s why we embarked on the endeavor of shipping a duo of Panda 4x4s from Italy, registering them, overhauling, test-driving, and ultimately vending one on Bring a Trailer with hopes of offsetting the expenses for both vehicles, thereby enabling the fortunate importer/owner to depart in a “complimentary” vehicle.

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Kevin McCauley

On the freeway, the speedometer needle creeps beyond 80 kph with a rhythmic tremor. Even at 100 kph—or roughly 62 mph—it exhibits unexpected stability. Equipped with five gears, 50 horsepower, and ample cogitative space.

Each member within our trio expedition team sports a broad grin. There’s Tom, who orchestrated and financed the entire operation, trailing closely in his Land Rover Defender, whereas Chris navigates the other Fiat Panda. Chris and I eagerly seized the opportunity to collect the two Pandas and pilot them on the initial assessment journey. It felt like we were assigned the enjoyable segment. Indeed, it’s enjoyable—though all of us are aware that the initial joyous drive will be succeeded by a significant amount of labor.

Introducing the Panda 4×4

Introduced in 1980, the Fiat Panda, designed by Giorgetto Giugiaro, swiftly metamorphosed into a cultural sensation across Europe. Tales from its development and design phase have materialized as legendary fragments of automotive trivia. Giugiaro envisioned a framework with entirely flat glass for all windows to streamline production expenses and render both sides completely interchangeable. Rumor has it that, at least initially, the flat glass was even more expensive, as Fiat’s suppliers solely possessed equipment for producing curved glass.

The Panda’s interior oozes with innovations, courtesy of Giugiaro’s unbeatable strategy to maximize pragmatism and utility through astute design. The flooring remains almost entirely flat, and the dashboard is configured akin to a large, open storage platform, wrapped in a washable, canvas-esque fabric. All seats can be flattened to craft a makeshift bed, or the rear bench can pivot into a V shape to accommodate unconventional cargoes.

The 4×4 variant emerged in 1983, augmenting the Panda saga by infusing genuine off-road capabilities. It marked the inaugural transverse-engined mass-produced automobile to sport a four-wheel-drive mechanism—a revolutionary feature for that era. The entire drivetrain was supplied by Steyr-Daimler-Puch, the well-known Austrian entity acclaimed for fabricating the Mercedes-Benz G-Wagen,and the transmission features an extremely low initial gear for challenging terrain, akin to the Porsche 959’s Gelande mode. The durable characteristics that garnered the Panda 4×4 favor among Italian farmers and Alpine skiers over many years have nurtured a legendary status today.  

The original Panda remained in production until May 2003, solidifying its position as one of Europe’s enduring automotive designs: an esteemed icon and the ultimate practical, function-driven, resilient, European hatchback. 

The Import Strategy

GMC Typhoon parked side by side. Furthermore, he actively drives them all. Thus, when he expressed his interest in procuring a Fiat Panda 4x4 from Europe, I paid attention.

Nissan Skyline holds value globally, particularly in regions where Skyline models were not originally sold. However, European curiosities like the Fiat Panda 4x4 often do not seem worth importing. The primary obstacle—and the reason why Fiat Panda models are seldom seen in the U.S.—is the substantial expense, exceeding $4,000, to import a vehicle valued only slightly higher. It would be unwise to import a Fiat Panda 4x4 to the US singly. The shrewd choice—possibly—would be to import a pair.

meet them was palpable. 

4×4 Cubed

Even if you have experienced the shipping procedure from Italy multiple times, like Tom has, it always appears somewhat disorderly. The communication is puzzling, the schedule is inconsistent, and the likelihood of an error or a significant mistake seems substantial. Upon receiving the news in April that both Pandas had reached the correct country, it felt like a reason for jubilation.

In January 2021, Tom paid €6,000 per Panda, totaling about $14,000 USD for the pair. The smallest container capacity is 40 feet, accommodating two cars, so it’s always practical to import two vehicles or find a partner to split the container. Shipping from Genoa, Italy, to the Port of Houston costs around $3,500 for sea freight, with this amount escalating based on the cargo’s value. Additionally, there is approximately $1,000 for customs and import tariffs upon arrival at the U.S. port.

Therefore, before any of us laid eyes on them, each Panda had already incurred a cost of about $9,250.

Arrival Day

On the morning of Monday, April 12, Tom took Chris and me to assist in receiving the Pandas. The cars were held at the premises of a freight forwarding agent, a company responsible for overseeing the unloading of container contents, facilitating inspections, and obtaining clearance at the customs office. They are also in charge of submitting the necessary EPA and DOT paperwork for vehicle imports.

After presenting some documentation, Tom watched as two employees disappeared into the warehouse among rows of vehicles and equipment. Without much delay, two 1108cc engines roared to life, cruising around the building before revealing the two navy blue Fiat Pandas for the first time.

The Pandas appeared impressive, although none of us really knew what to anticipate. In reality, the Panda bears a resemblance to a Land Rover Discovery scaled down by 50%, boasting two-box proportions and an upright glasshouse. Both Pandas were dusty, and one had suffered a dent in the middle of the tailgate with the “Panda” emblem during transit, earning it the temporary title of The Bad Panda.

We admired the quirky little vehicles for 20 minutes, observing all the intricate details: Italian service labels, the teal and blue interior, and the petite 13-inch wheels. They felt simultaneously basic and upscale compared to my expectations. Although they appeared basic without many comforts, every element present seemed thoughtful and intentional.

Operating the Panda 4×4

After refueling, cleaning the windows, we ventured onto Houston’s 610 loop for a 20-mile journey across the city. Despite encountering no problems, reaching a brief 125 kph (78 mph) on the freeway felt a bit precarious on unfamiliar 145-width tires. Once back on city streets, the quick high-speed dash instilled in me the confidence to fully explore the capabilities of the small Panda.

In the city, the Panda is an absolute joy. It tilts, it accelerates, it reacts to everything with such enthusiasm. This vehicle weighs less than 1,800 pounds and just feels vibrant beneath you. The modest braking power and minimal traction always seem to suffice. The visibility from the tall, greenhouse-style cabin is exceptional.

Tom claims the Panda is known as the best-crafted Fiat, the one that got everything right, and I understand why. You can push it to its limits, yet it never feels like it’s about to give up. In fact, it almost appears to relish the rough treatment.

This is essential because pushing it to the extreme is necessary. The gears are extremely short, and there’s no tachometer, so you rev it up until the sound signals it’s time to shift, and you repeat the process until you need to slow down. You’ll likely reach the end of the road before surpassing the speed limit, so just go for it. The engine sound isn’t what you’d call melodic, but it’s definitely not unpleasant, delivering a coarse, mechanical growl that intensifies as the revs rise. With the windows down, it serves as both a pleasant soundtrack and a driving companion.

I was behind the wheel of The Bad Panda, yet after a comparative test, it turned out to have superior gearbox synchronizations. In reality, it was actually The Good Panda.

Objectively, the Panda 4×4 may not be a top-notch car; nonetheless, it’s a delightful combination of imperfections. Many cars may lack speed, but very few possess a teal interior, a rough-terrain first gear, or a gauge that indicates the car’s incline angle when descending (commonly known as the Pandometer). This car is enjoyable, and enjoyable cars transform mundane trips into pure delight. Furthermore, it’s a vehicle that can provide excitement even at legal speeds, where every red light makes you feel like you’re in a rally stage just by keeping up with the oblivious SUV in the adjacent lane.

Auction Preparation

However, a key aspect of this entire process was to auction off one of the Pandas.

Prior to putting it up for auction, Tom invested approximately $1,500 in components and labor for some enhancements. Fresh fluids, rugged tires, and additions such as fog lights and small brush guards for the headlights and taillights—all to give it a subtly rally-oriented appearance.

I couldn’t provide a comprehensive driving impression of the Panda 4×4 if I confined it to paved roads, especially since power is only transmitted to the front wheels during regular driving. Consequently, in the days leading up to the auction, we convened both Pandas for some city off-roading. It wasn’t an off-road trail with rocks to navigate, but at least we located some mud to test the traction limits.

Activate the four-wheel drive by pulling a lever between the seats, and you’ll hear a mechanical thud: Engage Steyr-Daimler-Puch mode. Waste no time and drive straight into the waterlogged Texas clay, only to find yourself stuck immediately. Following some rather laborious back-and-forth maneuvers using reverse and first gears, I managed to free myself quite swiftly. My novice error was being excessively cautious and slowing down.

moving too slow—keep the nimble Panda in motion and it’s less likely to get stuck. Experiencing the chassis squirm and fling mud off all four small tires was absolutely amusing, creating unforgettable moments.

Before passing the vehicle over to Chris for some action shots, I took a few more rounds. I take numerous snaps of cars—ranging from road trials to motorsport events, you name it—but witnessing Tom and Chris enjoy themselves so much in the cars during that day was truly a sight.

Through the lens, the Pandas appeared completely at ease navigating through mud and rough patches. I am confident they would perform equally well on even more challenging terrains.

I doubt individuals will take their imported Pandas for actual off-roading due to the challenge of highway performance in reaching such destinations. However, Americans do have a fondness for the potential to go off-road, and that inclination always shines through, even if it’s just heading to cars and coffee.

What Is a Fiat Panda 4×4 Worth, Anyway?

An issue with the title delayed the submission to Bring a Trailer, but in early July, the auction finally took place. Without a specific attachment to a particular Panda, Tom listed one in better cosmetic condition to enhance its presentation at the auction. Ultimately, it fetched $13,175.

The total cost of the car for Tom was $9,250, plus an additional $1,500 for upgrades, resulting in a net profit of just under $2,500 from the sale. Although Panda No. 1 didn’t completely offset the cost of Panda No. 2, the sale covered all importation fees and costs for both vehicles. To put it into perspective, Tom invested $20,000 in the entire project: acquiring two Fiat Pandas, importation expenses, and some minor upgrades to one car to prepare it for sale. Post-auction, his out-of-pocket expense amounts to $6,825, which is less than what he paid for just one Panda while it was still in Italy.

It’s always gratifying to see a transaction where both buyer and seller feel they’ve made a fair deal, and I believe that’s the case here. Tom gets to relish a Fiat Panda 4×4 at a reasonable cost, on a car that is steadily gaining value as a collector’s item. Meanwhile, the buyer secures ownership without enduring the lengthy wait, hassles of importing an Italian car, or the uncertainties that may accompany a less well-maintained model. For something typically out of reach in America, this seems like a justifiable price.

Chris argued, “It’s clean, but it’s not a $14,000 driving sensation,” as the auction concluded. I’m less certain. The value of this vehicle isn’t calculated by its acceleration, its material expenses, or even its indescribable charm. It provides an encounter, one that is becoming more challenging to discover. Contemporary vehicles have become progressively devoid of eccentricities and standardized, whereas the worth of the majority of vintage Italian cars has soared. The Panda 4×4 provides an instinctive sensation and a feeling of significance that exceeds its price, and its off-road capabilities surpass any small urban car.

In the end, Tom’s Panda expedition could open doors for more Panda 4x4s in the United States. Importing a car valued at $7,000 usually isn’t rational, but it becomes considerably more feasible if the market deems it nearly double that amount. The challenge may lie in locating excellent models in Europe: Fiat isn’t producing any more, and there’s no justification why costs in Italy couldn’t escalate in response to recent sales in export markets.

My duration spent with the Panda 4×4 assures me that it will undoubtedly bring joy to your face every time you take it for a drive. I can list numerous cars that fail to provide such an experience. Without a doubt, that holds value.

Kevin McCauley, situated in Houston, Texas, is a photographer and graphic designer.

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