Increasing Awareness and Significance of Ocean-Friendly Products

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The Rise in Awareness and Importance of Ocean-Safe Products
Photo: National Geographic

Although SPF plays a crucial role in our daily regimens, we could harm our oceans with them. Just like how humans lose color when unwell, the colorful sea corals are rapidly losing their vibrancy. Known as “coral bleaching,” this occurs due to non-reef-friendly products polluting their environment and the increasing temperatures causing corals to expel algae and turn white. According to the findings of the Global Examination of Coral Reefs, around one-third of the world’s corals have vanished in the past two decades. These losses stem from climate change stressors and local pressures, such as overfishing and water quality decline, as identified by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). To provide perspective on the severe coral degradation, reefs degrade twice as fast as rainforests, projecting their disappearance in three decades without intervention. LUXUO will delve into the detrimental impact of skincare chemicals on the decreasing coral reef and marine life populations.

Understandably, with the disastrous consequences of human indifference, there is a growing acknowledgment in this field. Phrases like “Reef-safe” and “Ocean-friendly,” interchangeably used, are gaining traction in public awareness. Are we complicit in this issue? Undoubtedly, yes. While the sunscreens and dyes from our swimsuits may not seem like major threats to the well-being of our planet’s coral reefs, recent studies have proved otherwise.

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Consequence of Common Skincare Chemicals on Marine Ecosystems

The Rise in Awareness and Importance of Ocean-Safe Products
Photo: ABC News

In 2022, The National Academy of Sciences conducted a study exploring the impact of common skincare chemicals on coral reefs and made alarming discoveries, highlighting the profound influence of these products on marine life. Chemicals like octinoxate, oxybenzone, and enzacamene, commonly present in sunscreens for UV protection, have exhibited the capacity to induce coral bleaching, even at low concentrations. Despite appearing harmless, these chemicals can damage the DNA of corals upon contact with sunscreen-coated skin entering ocean water. This weakens their defenses, impedes their growth, and disrupts reproduction by accumulating in their tissues. Other organisms such as green algae suffer from stunted growth and photosynthesis, while various marine species like dolphins, fish, sea urchins, and mussels experience reproductive dysfunction.

These detrimental chemicals have extensive repercussions on the entire marine ecosystem’s functionality. The accumulation of hazardous substances initiates a chain reaction leading to habitat loss from declining coral populations, reduced oxygen levels due to diminished green algae, and an imbalanced food chain, thereby affecting natural ecosystems and biodiversity. Furthermore, marine life not only adds to the environment’s beauty but also sustains food sources and livelihoods through fishing and tourism. Hence, it is imperative for the world to adopt mindful consumer practices to avert the calamitous effects of chemical pollutants in the oceans.

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Companies and Their Commitment to Eco-Conscious Strategies

The Rise in Awareness and Importance of Ocean-Safe Products
Photo: Vilebrequin

Given the urgent nature of this issue, many brands have embraced more ocean-conscious approaches, including popular products such as Nivea’s Sun Protect & Sensitive Protective Sunscreen Spray, Cetaphil’s Sheer Mineral Face Liquid Sunscreen, and Kora Organics’ Silky Sundrops Mineral Sunscreen. Additionally, numerous independent brands like Thinksport, Maui Naturals, and Suntegrity, among others, focus on creating reef-safe products are contributing to this cause.

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Kora Organics, Silky Sun Drops 100% Mineral Sunscreen Serum SPF 30

This physical sunscreen excludes harmful chemicals and includes zinc-oxide, one of the two reef-friendly elements recommended by the FDA


Think, Thinksport, Sunscreen, SPF 50

Independent brand Think, creates eco-friendly alternatives to daily items. Specifically, this one is a 100% mineral zinc-oxide based sunscreen and devoid of harmful chemicals like BPA, Parabens, Oxybenzone and Avobenzone, ensuring it is 100% reef-friendly.

Swimwear brands, beyond skincare, also integrate ocean-safe methods in clothing production. Of note, the French high-end swimwear label Vilebrequin establishes its brand on sustainable manufacturing and places significant emphasis on ocean consciousness in the dyeing process. Consequently, the joint consumerism of ocean and reef-friendly products, alongside awareness-raising, has immense potential to offer optimism for the enduring health of coral reefs in the years ahead. As highlighted in UNEP’s report, their research discoveries also present some positives by indicating that the world’s coral reefs possess resilience and can recuperate if conditions such as water temperatures and quality improve. Therefore, consumers need to embrace ocean and reef-friendly practices to aid in the restoration of the world’s waters.

Impacts on Human Health

An additional compelling aspect of transitioning to products devoid of common chemicals like octinoxate and oxybenzone is that these components are also hazardous to human health. Studies reveal that sunscreens containing these substances pose risks to human health, displaying various effects on the reproductive system and escalating the likelihood of hormone-related cancers. The considerable risks have prompted the prohibition of certain ingredients in certain countries and regulations by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on sunscreen safety. Consequently, within the pertinent regulations, the FDA highly recommends products containing zinc-oxide and titanium-oxide, two key components of a safe sunscreen that safeguards both oceans and humans.

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Assuming Accountability as Consumers

Increased awareness plays a key role in the rehabilitation of coral reefs and the marine ecosystem. Each consumer can contribute to diminishing ocean pollution by adopting more ocean-conscious approaches; with every individual, efforts will be reinforced towards this crucial objective. Hence, collective consumerism will support this cause through heightened awareness of such chemicals and their perils. While the surge in ocean and reef-friendly awareness and products benefits the environment and aquatic life, it also opens doors to greenwashing tactics by brands intended to serve as a financial gain by promoting a false impression of sustainability and eco-friendliness. Consequently, consumers must scrutinize product ingredient lists and traceability. This is because, as consumers, we must hold responsibility and answerability for the products we buy and the components we introduce to our skin and the oceans.

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