How to Stop ChatGPT’s Voice Feature From Interrupting You

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By Car Brand Experts

Tips for Managing ChatGPT’s Voice Feature Interruptions


Are you tired of ChatGPT cutting you off mid-sentence during voice interactions? Here are some tips to handle interruptions and enhance your experience with this AI tool.

The Story Behind the Issue:

Recently, while experimenting with voice AI features, I found ChatGPT’s continuous interruptions frustrating. The rapid responses felt like chatting with an overly eager friend who couldn’t pause for a breath.

Seeking Solutions:

I reached out to Joanne Jang, a ChatGPT team member, who acknowledged this flaw and shared a simple fix – tapping and holding the screen’s circular icon can prevent interruptions. Another method recommended by Nick Turley involves using the back-and-forth conversation feature or voice prompts for a more relaxed pace.

Step-by-Step Solutions:
  • For Seamless Conversations: Tap and hold the circle during voice exchanges.
  • For a Slow-Paced Interaction: Use the microphone icon to record your prompt, listen to ChatGPT’s response at your own speed.


By following these strategies, you can streamline your interactions with ChatGPT’s voice feature and enjoy a smoother dialogue experience with this innovative AI tool.


How can I avoid ChatGPT’s interruptions during voice interactions?

To prevent interruptions, simply tap and hold the large circle on the screen while speaking to the AI.

Are there alternative methods for managing ChatGPT’s voice feature interruptions?

Yes, you can use the microphone icon to record prompts at your own pace and listen to responses comfortably by selecting “Read Aloud.”

How can ChatGPT users enhance their voice interaction experience?

Users can tap and hold the screen during conversations or utilize voice prompts for a more controlled and enjoyable dialogue with ChatGPT.

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