Florida Couple Lights Cigarette While Hauling Propane Grill in Kia, Causing Car to Explode

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By Car Brand Experts

This is a cautionary tale that might not sit well with Hank Hill. A Florida couple suffered injuries on Sunday after they inadvertently caused an explosion in their Kia Sorrento while transporting a gas grill. The incident unfolded when the woman lit a cigarette, igniting accumulated propane fumes, as reported by the Orlando Police Department. This demonstrates a serious lapse in propane safety.

WESH reports that the couple was leaving a barbecue at the Central Florida Fairgrounds in Orlando when the explosion occurred. They failed to turn off both the burners and the tank’s gas valve before loading the grill into the back of the Sorrento—an oversight that remains unexplained—resulting in the grill continuing to burn and saturating the vehicle with propane fumes.

As they approached the fairground’s exit, the woman ignited her cigarette, triggering an explosion that blew out the side of the Kia and caused the driver to crash into a pole. According to a tweet from the Orlando Police, both individuals sustained burns that were not life-threatening and were subsequently taken to a local hospital. Given the extent of the damage, they are fortunate to have escaped with their lives.

With summer still lingering, we at The Drive urge everyone to remember to ensure the grill is turned off before loading it into the family vehicle.


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