Exquisite Mazda Miata Speedster Equipped With an ND MX-5 Engine Beneath the Bonnet

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By Car Brand Experts

Renowned Italian manufacturer Gorgona Cars has transformed the beloved original Mazda Miata into a creation that is both familiar and enchanting. The NM Concept is a single-seat speedster that offers a wealth of exhilarating, wind-in-the-hair enjoyment.

This development deviates from the typical two-seater roadster layout for which the Miata is renowned. In this single-seat configuration, only the driver’s seat holds significance. The convertible top and windshield have been completely eliminated, along with the passenger seat and a majority of the interior. The remaining interior space is concealed in a manner reminiscent of Mazda’s Mono-Posto Miata concept introduced in 2000. The only visible elements are the front gauge cluster and an aerodynamic cowling positioned behind the driver’s head.

Enhanced handling is expected due to an array of track-oriented adjustments beneath the surface. This includes increased side sills on the body, leading to the need for the mid-height door, reinforced subframes, and diverse other enhancements to the chassis. The vehicle is also equipped with fully adaptable coilover suspension and improved brakes. All these modifications collectively result in a firmer, more precise, and more reactive performance compared to the originally softer roadster model.

If you have a heartbeat, chances are you’re eagerly eyeing the images, eager to get behind the wheel. Fortunately, Gorgona plans to manufacture the vehicle for those willing to invest. The starting price is approximately $70,000, although you’ll need to procure your own Miata.

It’s a considerable sum for what fundamentally remains a three-decade-old sports car, and one that can’t really be used on public roads. However, if you possess the necessary funds and a means of transporting the vehicle out of Europe, you could easily become the most stylish participant at your next sunny track event.

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