ePURE: The renewable EU ethanol achieves a new milestone in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, underscoring its crucial role in the decarbonization of transportation

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By Car Brand Experts

The utilization of renewable ethanol from ePURE associates and other producers in the EU lessened greenhouse gas releases by a mean of 79.1% in comparison to traditional fuels in 2023, as per freshly endorsed statistics. It marked the 12th consecutive year in which the renewable ethanol in the EU improved its GHG-mitigation capabilities.

The fresh data arrives amidst the EU’s readiness for a revamped European Commission and Parliament, which will examine methods to enhance the efficacy and inclusivity of Green Deal strategies.

The groundbreaking reduction in GHG emissions spotlights the persistent ingenuity within the European renewable ethanol field as biorefineries curtail emissions

“By nurturing food, fodder, and energy for Europe, the ethanol sector contributes significantly to vital EU strategic aims, such as curbing climate change, ensuring energy autonomy, food security, and bolstering industrial and agricultural self-sufficiency. Year after year, renewable ethanol trims more GHG emissions in contrast to fossil fuels – thus positioning our sector at the forefront globally in terms of sustainability.”

The exceptional GHG-reducing performance of ePURE affiliates’ ethanol also coincided with a substantial generation of food and fodder by-products (6.5 million tons of commercial output) and captured biogenic CO2 (1.5 million tons) – added ways in which ethanol production bolsters EU’s food security and counterbalances traditional resources.

Once again, ePURE members have generated more food and fodder by-products than renewable ethanol – emphasizing the production of food over fuel.

The results from 2023 were amassed from ePURE members and other EU producers, and validated by the scrutinizing institute Copartner.

ePURE’s consortium includes 20 manufacturing firms with approximately 50 facilities spread across the EU and UK, exemplifying roughly 85% of the EU’s renewable ethanol production.


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