Discover the Benefits of Having Travel Consultants as Your Trusted Allies

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By Car Brand Experts

During a recent writers’ gathering in New Orleans, I found myself amidst seasoned companions in the field of travel journalism and editing. One of my acquaintances, who had arranged a voyage on a sizable vessel, encountered complications. She confided that her enthusiasm for the trip had waned due to numerous negative experiences.

I was taken aback. “You ventured into a cruise without engaging a travel consultant?” I queried. Her reaction was one of astonishment. “You rely on a travel consultant?” she retorted incredulously. Despite my extensive tenure as the chief editor at Cruise Critic and my firsthand experiences on around 300 different journeys, I possess a fair share of knowledge regarding ships. Nonetheless, the thought of arranging a cruise independently never crossed my mind.

What’s the rationale behind this decision? 

For what reason wouldn’t you? 

Renowned travel journalist Wendy Perrin, whose online platform connects travelers with top-tier vacation planners, articulates this discernment with finesse: “I steadfastly believe in entrusting my travel arrangements to the right consultant,” she asserts. “In case of unforeseen circumstances, a proficient consultant can advocate on your behalf, organize exclusive experiences, streamline unnecessary logistics, secure optimal flight options, coordinate pre- and post-cruise accommodations, and assist in selecting suitable travel insurance. The consultant’s role extends beyond recommending cruise cabin categories and placements to optimizing layouts. Ultimately,” Perrin adds—also known as the godmother of Windstar’s Star Breeze—”they complement and enhance the offerings provided by the cruise line.” 

Throughout the month of May, the cruise sector celebrates its collaborative efforts with travel consultants by introducing innovative initiatives and launching advanced software solutions, thereby easing their workflow. While this might not directly concern regular travelers, in recognition of this occasion, we encouraged several Windstar patrons to recount their personal encounters with their cherished travel consultants. 

The Essence of Planning and Logistics 

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Jost Van Dyke, British Virgin Islands

“She attends to every single detail,” remarked Judi Witt, whose recent sea adventure took her and her partner to the Greek Isles and Ephesus, an expedition where her consultant operated as the dedicated host to her reserved group of passengers. “She expertly coordinates our flights, excursions, and manages all aspects from start to finish without burdening us with logistical concerns. She furnishes us with packing recommendations and advises on what and what not to bring. On a sudden rainy day, she swiftly procured cover-ups for us from a nearby store. She consistently surpasses our expectations with her impeccable service.” 

According to Wendy London from New Zealand, who just returned from her maiden voyage with Windstar, understanding the inimitable preferences and styles of travelers holds paramount significance. “Initially, Windstar wasn’t even on my radar. However, my consultant proposed a seven-day coastal odyssey in New Zealand aboard the Star Breeze, merely three days post my lengthy 78-day escapade with another carrier. It proved to be a profoundly transformative experience instigated by a consultant who doubles as a trusted ally, enriching my cruising experience and broadening my horizons.” 

Coping with Real-Life Challenges 

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Dancing in Nuka Hiva, in French Polynesia’s Marquesas Islands

Occasionally, unforeseen circumstances arise. Sandra Drewes recounted the pivotal role her travel consultant played in rectifying challenging situations, particularly during a complex scenario where she and her spouse Warren were embarking on a continuous journey culminating in a transpacific voyage to Alaska. “We were navigating from Osaka to Yokohama and then headed towards Alaska,” she recounted. However, an unforeseen eye surgery for her husband necessitated alterations to their travel plans. This dilemma, set amidst Windstar’s intricate itinerary encompassing petite ports before the transoceanic crossing, truly called for the intervention of an exceptional travel advisor. 

“We had three viable options to reunite with the ship,” she elaborated. “One necessitated a lengthy nine-hour train commute. Another lacked the requisite customs and immigration facilities, rendering boarding impossible. The final recourse entailed a flight from Tokyo. We opted for the latter and salvaged our voyage.” 

Broadening Boundaries

Numerous travelers highlighted the transformation of their relationships with travel consultants into enduring friendships. Wendy London disclosed that she and Tasi, her long-standing consultant until a recent career pivot, forged a profound connection, with Tasi even undertaking an arduous bus journey from Auckland to Wellington to celebrate her husband’s 80th birthday in Wellington—flying was out of the question, hence resorting to bus travel.  

At times, consultants go the extra mile, transcending conventional responsibilities to engineer remarkable experiences. When probed about unusual services provided, my personal consultant shared anecdotes of procuring a mahjong set for a client on a cruise ship and delivering a client’s favored snacks from the U.S. to their hotel in Amsterdam six days before their arrival, as the client adhered to a keto diet and was running low on supplies. Among the notable instances, whispering of lost directions to extend an airport transfer prompted the driver to pause at a farmhouse, unveiling an unexpected farm luncheon surprise for the clients. 

Editor’s Note: We express gratitude to Bruce Iacobelli, Mathy Simon Wasserman, and Claudia Cox for facilitating connections with travelers. 

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