Auto Insurance Costs Skyrocket Just as Car Prices Start Settling Down

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By Car Brand Experts


Auto Insurance Costs Surge Amidst Dropping Car Prices

Car prices, new and used, are finally on the decline as the challenges brought about by the pandemic are fading into the background. However, the joy of reduced car prices is being overshadowed by the steep rise in insurance costs that customers are currently facing.

The Insurance Dilemma

Insurance costs are not the same for everyone; they vary depending on factors such as the type of car and individual driving history. Nevertheless, it’s the premiums for new cars that are skyrocketing the most. Recent data from Reuters indicates a 22% increase in insurance costs compared to the previous year, the highest spike since the 1970s. In 2024, insurance now constitutes over a quarter of the total cost of owning a new compact car, up to 26% from 16% in 2019. For compact SUVs, this cost percentage is predicted to exceed 20% this year.

Reasons Behind the Surge

The high cost of repairing new vehicles, which are increasingly complex and technologically advanced, is a significant factor driving up insurance rates. Even basic economy cars now come equipped with expensive safety system hardware. Additionally, modern manufacturing techniques like Tesla’s gigacasting produce structural components that are harder to replace after an accident, leading to more write-offs.

Impact on Customers

Surging repair times, due to vehicle complexity, supply chain disruptions, and a shortage of mechanics, result in higher costs for insurance companies to provide rental cars, contributing to the rise in premiums. Insurify’s data shows a 24% increase in insurance costs for new cars in 2023, with a projected 7% increase for this year. Alarmingly, insurance rate hikes outpaced wage growth by a massive 638% last year.


This unfortunate trend is posing a financial challenge for many consumers who may struggle to afford both the car they desire and the insurance required. Rising premiums not only strain monthly budgets but could also leave individuals vulnerable in the event of an accident if they opt for reduced coverage to save money. Sadly, these escalating costs are hitting consumers just as car prices are becoming more accessible, preventing many from getting the vehicles they need.

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Why are insurance costs increasing while car prices are decreasing?

Insurance costs are rising due to the higher repair expenses for modern vehicles, driven by their increased complexity and advanced technology. Even as car prices drop, the cost to repair these newer vehicles is pushing insurance rates up.

How much have insurance rates increased for new cars?

Insurify reported a 24% increase in insurance costs for new cars in 2023. Although the rate of increase is expected to slow down in 2024, a 7% rise is still projected for this year.

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