A Potential Discovery of a Moonshine Hideaway Beneath North Wilkesboro Speedway

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By Car Brand Experts

Underneath the grandstands of the iconic North Wilkesboro Speedway in North Carolina, a sinkhole measuring 700 square feet recently emerged. While carrying out a routine inspection of the grandstands, workers noticed fractures in the original concrete, leading to the removal of numerous seats. This revelation led to the discovery of the expansive sinkhole and possibly a hidden moonshine cavern. If confirmed, this would validate the suspicions held by locals in the area for years.

The history of NASCAR traces back to the era of moonshine runners during Prohibition, who modified their vehicles to evade law enforcement and eventually transitioned to racing them (and let’s pretend this knowledge was obtained through historical studies rather than the movie Talladega Nights). Given its association with smuggling, residents of North Carolina have long speculated about the existence of an underground moonshine distillery hidden beneath the North Wilkesboro Speedway. With the recent discovery of a substantial cave beneath the grandstands, the confirmation of these suspicions has stirred excitement among the local community.

“During the restoration process of North Wilkesboro Speedway in 2022, numerous tales circulated about an old moonshine manufacturing site rumored to have operated beneath the grandstands,” remarked Steve Swift, the Senior VP of Operations at Speedway Motorsports. “While we haven’t yet stumbled upon an actual still, we have encountered a small cavern and an inner wall that could have served as an ideal location for both producing illicit liquor and eluding law enforcement. The entry and exit mechanisms remain a mystery, but with further exploration, the possibilities are endless.”

Curiosity may arise as to why a covert moonshine shelter existed beneath a racetrack constructed in 1947, well after the repeal of Prohibition. However, illegal moonshine operations continued post-Prohibition, particularly prevalent in Appalachia and the North Carolina foothills where the North Wilkesboro Speedway stands. Moonshiners sought to evade steep alcohol taxes and the restrictions of dry counties in the region.

Should this sinkhole indeed unearth a legendary moonshine distillery, the period of its operation and eventual closure remain shrouded in mystery. Over 600 seats have already been removed as efforts continue to unveil the contents below the grandstands and devise repair strategies. With the impending NASCAR All-Star Race Week scheduled from May 14-19, time is of the essence for restoration efforts. Discovering remnants of old moonshine stills or artifacts from the moonshining era before the cave is sealed permanently could offer a compelling narrative. Perhaps converting it into a museum for visitors during Speedway events could be a future possibility.

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