Friday5 Featuring Team Driver Charles Hicks – JConcepts Blog

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By Car Brand Experts

Presented in this week’s edition of the JConcepts Friday5 is an exclusive interview with Ohio’s proficient team driver, Charles Hicks!

1. Let’s delve into the origins of your journey into RC racing. Did your initiation into this sport come from a family member, friend, or perhaps an intriguing encounter on social platforms?

The initial spark for my venture into RC racing was ignited by my uncle. Upon his return to my hometown, he commenced employment at a local hobby store. One day, he extended an invitation to witness the club races while he was on duty, and ever since that moment, my passion for RC racing has been unwavering.

2. Being a fresh addition to the JConcepts team in 2024, what distinctive qualities do you believe you bring aboard, and what objectives have you set for your racing career?

In my debut as a team driver for JConcepts this year, I believe my forte lies in my expertise in 1/8 scale racing. Moreover, I eagerly anticipate contributing to the welfare of all JC patrons whenever I am on the scene. Witnessing the joy on a fellow racer’s face when my advice or aid enhances their racing performance or overall track experience is truly gratifying.

Charles Hicks Friday5 2nd Image 2024

3. Which category do you fancy competing in presently, and what draws you to it?

My preference lies in competing with 1/8 scale nitro buggies, yet 1/8 Ebuggies are a close runner-up. The ambiance of racing nitro, with its distinctive sound, aroma, and overall experience, holds an unparalleled allure. However, Ebuggies offer a more manageable day while still being immensely enjoyable. Nitro reigns supreme!

4. With regard to the latest products unveiled by JConcepts, what upcoming releases are you eagerly anticipating and why? Is it an innovative body, fresh set of tires, or novel accessories?

When it comes to fresh offerings from JC, my excitement peaks for the new tires and accessories. The tire department, under Jason’s leadership, perennially pushes boundaries and exudes innovation, making every new tire launch a thrilling affair. The accessories are equally remarkable in their thoughtfulness and utility.

4071 Friday5 Product Placement 2024

5. Beyond the realm of RC cars, which other pastimes capture your interest?

Aside from my involvement in RC cars, my secondary pastime would be indulging in golf. This leisure activity instills the value of relentless effort in achieving progress and underscores the importance of mental fortitude. These attributes, I believe, seamlessly transcend into the world of RC racing. Similar to golf, racing is replete with high and low moments, necessitating unwavering mental resilience for competitive success.

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