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Admiring the Icelandic fishing town Isofjordur from the deck while unwell

It is truly unfortunate to fall sick unexpectedly during your travels. In our sixteen years of journeying, I recollect three instances when my partner and I were met with such a situation.


An Interrupted Two-Week Cruise


The initial incident occurred during the Enrichment
Voyage cruise, a two-week period when adults have the opportunity to partake in Semester at Sea, a program allowing college students to gain educational credits on a cruise ship in order to acquire global experiences essential for their academic pursuits. During our navigation, the college instructors conducted lectures on the politics, economics, and geography of the forthcoming country we were bound to explore.


Following our visit to Norway, Finland, and Russia, we embarked from Sweden before docking in Copenhagen and continuing our journey to Reykjavik, Iceland. While en route to the picturesque fishing village of Isofjodur in western Iceland, we succumbed to symptoms of chills, fever, colds, and cough. At that point, the ship’s modest clinic was overrun with passengers falling ill. My partner ventured out on a walking tour of the town, while feeling worse, I remained onboard and captured photos from the deck. Fortunately, I recuperated sufficiently to partake in the excursion at Akureyri in northern Iceland.  


A Foiled Disney Getaway


In early December of 2011, we parked our RV near Orlando, Florida, just seven miles shy of Disney World. Finally, at 63, I was anticipating my inaugural visit to the theme park! However, the following morning, post-breakfast, Bill experienced severe chest pains. Hastily, we sought medical attention at the Urgent Care Center located near the Resort. Subsequently, we were swiftly directed to the Heart of Florida Hospital, approximately fifteen minutes away. An immediate angioplasty was performed by a surgeon, wherein three stents were inserted into two of Bill’s arteries, one completely blocked and the other 75% blocked.


Would you believe that I found myself watching a program about funeral arrangements while waiting at the hospital? Subsequently, I had to shuttle between the hospital and the campground, a daunting task for someone with minimal driving skills. With no acquaintances nearby, within a week, hives erupted all over my body. What was meant to be my dream Disney World vacation transformed into a nightmarish account.


The Ramifications of Extended Road Trips


In 2013, we embarked on an extensive road journey to visit our progeny in Idaho, Alberta, Washington, and Colorado. Opting for a more comfortable mode of transportation, we chose the car and left the RV in storage in Mesa, Arizona. Our initial stop was Boise, followed by Calgary, then Seattle, where my husband endured a continuous twelve-hour drive. Shortly thereafter, we embarked on a nineteen-hour drive to Denver.


During the journey, my husband developed a painful knot behind his left knee that progressed to encompass his entire left leg, from the hip down to his foot, accompanied by sensations of numbness, stiffness, and discomfort. Upon reaching the nearest hospital, doctors discovered multiple blood clots in his leg. To remedy this, he received injections to dissolve the clots and was prescribed blood-thinning tablets. It took a week before he was cleared to drive back home. During this period, I experienced another outbreak of hives, likely triggered by stress. Following this ordeal, we established a six-hour limit for daily driving, with a substantial break after the initial three hours.


Becoming ill while traveling is inconvenient, at best, and potentially calamitous, at worst. We were fortunate that both cardiovascular incidents transpired in American metropolitan hubs. It is sobering to contemplate how alarming and financially burdensome it could have been had these events unfolded elsewhere without access to Medicare, inadequate healthcare infrastructure, and no support network to assist us.

As our health concerns intensify with advancing years, there are several measures we must undertake to sustain our travel endeavors. Ensuring safety, convenience, and comfort during our ventures is imperative. Moreover, maintaining comprehensive and current insurance coverage is essential. However, the paramount endeavor is preserving our well-being to confront the challenges of life on the move.




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