Synopsis of Candidates’ Positions on Electric Vehicles, Climate Research, and More

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By Car Brand Experts

As the electorate heads to the ballot box on November 5, 2024, to elect the 47th President of the United States, this election stands as incomparable in recent memory. The significance for the automotive sector, climate change studies, and the democratic process itself has never been more pronounced. With the imminent debate between the two leading candidates from the major political factions, it is imperative to scrutinize their history, current stance, and roadmap for the future—evaluating their readiness to assume the mantle of leadership.

Let’s survey the positions of all potential leaders on the aforementioned topics—starting with the chief contenders from the prominent parties, followed by others listed alphabetically:

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris

Position of Kamala Harris

Political Affiliation: Democratic (probable nominee)

Deputy: Yet to be declared


  • Prosecutor in San Francisco, 2004-2011
  • Attorney General of California, 2011-2017
  • Senator in the U.S., 2017-2021
  • Vice President, from 2021 onwards

Standpoints and Policies

Climate Research. Harris supported the suggested Green New Deal, a strategy that, akin to Biden’s expansive infrastructure proposition (with inclusivity of social equality, healthcare, and fairness), highlighted an expedited shift to electric vehicles and a departure from fossil fuel reliance. Harris has explicitly protested both fracking and offshore oil excavation, and she established an eco-crime division in San Francisco. Notably, during the incumbency of Biden and Harris, the U.S. observed a surge in oil production levels and energy firm revenues.

Electric Cars. Harris played a pivotal role in unearthing VW’s emissions-manipulation debacle, ensuring California received its distinct supplementary settlement with specified conditions, directed towards environmental amelioration. This fund predominantly focuses on distributing electric vehicles to underprivileged neighborhoods. Asserting her stance as the California AG, she declared the settlement by affirming, “We must conserve and safeguard our environment for forthcoming generations and impose immediate and definitive consequences on those breaching the law and polluting our atmosphere.” Additionally, during her tenure as California’s Attorney General, Harris confronted major oil corporations.

Democratic Processes: During her tenure as Senator, Harris tabled the 2000 VoteSafe Act to facilitate ballot accessibility amid the pandemic. She also co-sponsored the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, aimed at easing postal voting access, designating Election Day as a federal holiday, and superseding measures annulled by the Supreme Court’s 2013 Shelby decision. The Shelby ruling diluted the regulations for electoral redistricting in states previously under the Federal Election Commission’s supervision.

President Donald Trump (Photo courtesy DoD)

President Donald Trump (Photo courtesy DoD)


Donald J. Trump’s Stance

Political Affiliation: Republican

Deputy: J.D. Vance


  • Former U.S. President, 2017-2021


Standpoints and Policies

Climate Studies: Trump disclosed to prominent oil-sector sponsors in a recent fundraiser at his Mar-A-Lago estate that he would neutralize all ongoing administrative measures that might elevate electric vehicle sales if they contributed $1 billion to his campaign. Throughout his administration, Trump made efforts to rescind California’s jurisdiction to enforce its self-regulated emission criteria, forming part of an extensive strategy involving Supreme Court litigations intended to reduce or interrupt the operations of bodies such as the EPA—termed as the administrative apparatus. He dismissed climate change as “a fabrication.”

Electric Cars: Despite owning a Tesla Model S previously, former President Trump expressed overt animosity towards electric vehicles, having proposed imposing a 100% tariff on EVs produced in Mexico, which would significantly impact various popular EV models available in the U.S., including the Chevrolet Equinox EV and the Ford Mustang Mach-E.

Democratic Principles: The ex-president faced multiple charges regarding schemes to disrupt the post-2020 election power transition, which he lost to Joseph Biden. Both the legal proceedings on accusations filed in the District of Columbia, and those in Georgia for state-linked electoral intervention, have encountered delays while the Supreme Court deliberated whether sitting U.S. presidents possess total or partial immunity for offenses committed during their tenure. Some of the charges may progress if deemed as unofficial actions by an inferior court.

In separate instances, Trump faced conviction on 34 counts related to falsifying business records in the State of New York, linked to payments made to adult entertainer StormyDaniels. Before this, he was found responsible for the maltreatment of E. Jean Carroll and for property value inflation in New York leading to a $450 million civil fine.

Trump is also confronting accusations of mishandling classified information in a Florida court. A trial date is pending.

A number of Trump Cabinet members have expressed their intention not to support him for a second term—just as former Vice President Michael Pence (R.-Ind.) has affirmed.


Alternative Contenders

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Party: Independent

Vice President: Nicole Shanahan


  • Lawyer and radio personality
  • Established water conservation organization Waterkeeper Alliance
  • Elevated Children’s Health Defense Fund to a leading anti-vaccine advocacy entity

Policies and Stances

Environmental studies: Kennedy, as per Politico, represented clients advocating for stricter environmental safeguards. In his candidacy, he has censured the Biden administration’s investments in sustainable energy and labelled climate change as “exaggerated.” His evolving perspectives on climate and other social issues such as vaccinations have been labeled “peculiar” and “puzzling” by MSNBC.

Electric cars: Kennedy has shown support for UAW members building electric vehicles, but his perspectives on Biden administration measures to boost EV adoption in the U.S. have equated these policies with authoritarianism

Governance: In response to what he perceives as censorship on his social media platforms, Kennedy asserted to CNN that he could argue that President Biden poses a greater threat to democracy than Donald Trump. He hinted at selecting NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers as his Vice President before eventually opting for Silicon Valley lawyer Nicole Shanahan.

Jill Stein

Party: Green

Vice President: Yet to be designated


  • Doctor and previous presidential contender

Policies and Stances

Environmental studies: Stein feels that prior attempts at a “Green New Deal” fell short and cautions against “climate catastrophe.” Vague on specifics, Stein shared on X that we need “significant investment in green employment & technologies to rejuvenate the American economy, enhance our lives, protect our planet and guarantee our children’s future.”

Electric vehicles: Stein advocates for a complete prohibition on new fossil fuel structures, as reported by The Washington Post, and a universal transition to renewable energy by 2030.

Governance: Stein argues that the bipartisan system has eroded our democratic process. “Voters deserve the right to select and not be forced to accept two undead candidates from two undead parties,” she informed News Nation, “that primarily cater to the financial elites…is incredibly undemocratic.” Critics indicate that any votes garnered by Stein in the limited states where she will appear on the ballot might siphon support from Biden, potentially aiding Trump’s election bid.


Cornel West

Party: Independent

Vice President: Yet to be appointed


  • Advocate for social causes
  • Educator at various Ivy League institutions, including Harvard and Princeton
  • Theologian and scholar

Policies and Stances

Environmental studies: West argues that “only through cooperation, sustainable expansion, and steadfast commitment to clean energy can we aspire to bring equilibrium and ensure a flourishing earth for all.” He proposes reparations for communities affected by global warming.

Electric vehicles: West’s agenda advocates a rapid and total halt to reliance on fossil fuels.

Governance: West expressed in 2003 that “democracy implies more alternatives, not behind-the-scenes bargains; it signifies freedom to vote your beliefs without fear of reproach or intimidation.” He has characterized former president Trump as a “certified criminal and neofascist.” NBC News reported that Republican operatives are exploring ways to enhance West’s chances in battleground states where he has secured ballot access.


This article was originally posted on June 26; it was most recently updated on July 24 to introduce Kamala Harris as the Democratic Presidential nominee.

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