Utilizing Solar Power to Operate a Cybertruck Efficiently — Q&A

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My previous discussion with Anthony Sicari centered around his experiment with using solar panels and Tesla batteries at home to generate and use his own electricity for just over a month, instead of relying on the grid. (Elon Musk even retweeted that interview.)

Back then, the world was different. It was pre-pandemic and the Cybertruck had been announced but was far from being manufactured.

Fast forward to 2024, Anthony now owns a Cybertruck, incorporating it into his solar power and energy storage business. He has shared videos featuring his Cybertruck on his YouTube channel.

Given the attention the 2019 interview received, it felt natural to follow up and delve into his experience with this unique electric pickup truck.

What motivated you to acquire a Cybertruck?

The decision to purchase the Cybertruck stemmed primarily from its striking visual appeal. The idea of taking it off-road and perhaps putting it through stress tests like the infamous metal ball window incident seemed enticing. Initially, I thought the reservation was a mere couple of hundred dollars, so I decided to wait and reevaluate my interest later on. However, as January rolled around, Tesla informed me that an additional $1,000 payment was needed to secure my reservation, prompting me to contemplate if the expense for a Founders Series Cybertruck was warranted.

A friend who runs a solar company in Hawaii validated my choice, highlighting not only the truck’s cool factor but also its potential for brand promotion within the solar industry. Utilizing the Cybertruck for transporting materials to job sites and engaging with the community through events like the New Paltz Touch-a-Truck showcase has proven enormously rewarding. Witnessing the excitement of children seeing the Cybertruck has been a truly memorable experience. The truck has spurred numerous conversations, connecting us with people in unique ways.

Tesla Cybertruck solar installer review
Image Credit: Anthony Sicari

What are your initial impressions of the Cybertruck?

Admittedly, it took some time for me to appreciate the vehicle fully. While driving it was enjoyable from the start, I needed a while to acclimate. Initially, I was more inclined towards driving the all-electric Ford Lightning as the Cybertruck felt somewhat impractical. Yet, with time, the truck’s engineering prowess became evident, and as I delved deeper into its features and settings, its brilliance shined through. The steer-by-wire technology and the practical retractable tonneau cover are impressive highlights. In a humorous incident captured on video, soon after collecting the truck, my newborn daughter had a messy moment in the parking lot, requiring us to instantly transform the center console into a makeshift changing table. So, to answer, yes, the Cybertruck is indeed baby-approved.

Is there anything you would alter about the truck?

As it stands, I find no fault with the truck except for wishing it had more frunk space. There seems to be unused space that could accommodate items like strollers or larger objects.

The wrap on the truck looks exceptional. Was the primary goal to simplify cleaning the Cybertruck?

This Cybertruck sees active daily use at various events and locations, rendering fingerprint maintenance an arduous task. Wrapping the truck was a necessity to alleviate this issue. In the initial three days before wrapping, the challenge of keeping up with fingerprints was overwhelming.

Have you retained your three Tesla Powerwalls?

My three Powerwalls continue to function efficiently, with plans in motion to add a fourth unit and upgrade my Tesla Gateway at home to leverage the PowerShare feature with the Tesla Cybertruck. Existing Powerwall customers simply need an operational Gateway and a Tesla charger to enhance their home’s battery capacity with the Cybertruck. Assuming all goes as intended, my Powerwall collection totals 40.5 kWh, and with the Cybertruck, the total reaches 163.5 kWh. This additional capacity is crucial, especially in regions like the Northeast where power outages are common, and during winter when household activities depend solely on electricity—ranging from heating to transportation and appliances. The combined resources will be immensely beneficial.

Have you expanded your solar power setup, and if so, what’s the total kW now?

Currently, my solar array stands at 17.2 kW, comprising 48 panels rated at 360 watts each. I’m in the process of enlarging the system’s capacity to better accommodate the energy demand from electric vehicles.

Does your solar system provide sufficient power for the Cybertruck?

During the summer months, my solar system can adequately cover the energy requirements of the Cybertruck, Tesla Model Y, and Ford Lightning. However, in winter, the coverage drops to around 50%. With the ongoing solar expansion, we anticipate narrowing this gap annually.

At home, I have two Level 2 chargers, while our office in Modena boasts four. Reviewing the data from this year reveals that both the Cybertruck and the Ford utilized a total of 5,334 kWh from the Wallbox charger, with the Tesla consuming 2,025 kWh from its dedicated charger. The cumulative energy usage for all electric vehicles amounted to 7,359 kWh year-to-date, while solar generation reached 11,426 kWh. Unfortunately, our home consumed 14,256 kWh thus far, excluding vehicle charging, resulting in a 50% energy offset.

Are there any plans to integrate additional renewable energy sources to bolster your power autonomy?

Exploration into incorporating wind energy systems alongside the existing solar infrastructure is currently underway to further enhance our energy independence and uphold sustainability values.

What purposes do you utilize the Cybertruck for?

The Cybertruck serves various roles in our daily lives. It functions as our primary transport for the family and is a prominent fixture outside our workplace, attracting at least two individuals daily who either stop by or capture photos of the vehicle. On one occasion, while the truck was stationed in front of our office as a utility company’s crew were replacing a light on the pole, we found ourselves amidst around 10 utility line workers, all curious about the truck and eager to ask questions. In the upcoming month, we plan to use the Cybertruck to transport Tesla Powerwall 3s. Lastly, we also deploy it for a range of community events.

Do you possess any other electric vehicles (EVs)?

Certainly, in addition to the Cybertruck, we own a Model Y and a Ford Lightning.

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