Large Display Recreational Vehicle GPS: Crafting Your Personal

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By Car Brand Experts

A.I. rendering of the cab of a Class A motorhome with a large display RV GPS

Construct Your Own RV GPS Instead of Purchasing an Aftermarket Version

An RV GPS stands as a crucial addition for nearly every RVer. Maneuvering through routes while considering the added height, weight, and length of an RV can pose a challenging situation without the correct tools. Luckily, various products are available, with the latest trend being advanced, sizeable display RV GPS devices, from corporations like Garmin.

The primary downside to these deluxe GPS gadgets, some of which reach close to $900, is naturally the price. However, the cost alone is not the only restriction. They also lack in-depth data and adequate trip-planning utilities. Ultimately, without a comprehensive trip-planning tool, you are still reliant on the GPS, albeit on a notably larger screen.

Aftermarket GPS units also necessitate updates. Some of these updates are encompassed in the price, while others are not. Updating your maps may not be a straightforward task and typically demands an up-to-date laptop, the manufacturer’s additional software, and a connection cable. GPS manufacturers are making advancements in incorporating Wi-Fi into the units, enabling you to update via your phone. Yet for many, this poses yet another technical hurdle to overcome.

Options Aside from Buying a Large Display RV GPS

There are alternatives to investing all your resources in a high-end RV GPS. You can “assemble” your personal, or rather, merely gather the suitable assortment of products to fabricate a large display RV GPS. The final result is an enhanced understanding of your destination, increased flexibility, superior trip preparation, and potentially…reduced cost.

Essentials for Forming a Large Display RV GPS

In order to establish your own expansive screen GPS experience, you will require several items that we will thoroughly discuss:

  • A cutting-edge tablet with mobile SIM functionality.
  • An exclusive cellular data plan for the tablet.
  • A comprehensive RV trip planner coupled with a mobile RV navigation application.
  • A mobile mount designated for the tablet.

An Innovative Apple or Android Tablet

If you aim to put together your own large display RV GPS, your initial requirement is a substantial screen! This objective is accomplished with a tablet apparatus, such as an iPad or an Android tablet. It’s essential to note that we are NOT referring to a tablet computer like a Microsoft Surface but a tablet gadget like an Apple iPad or Galaxy Tab (Android). Furthermore, we are not including the Amazon Fire, which, although Android-based, uses the custom Fire OS and is unsuitable for this purpose.

Your new Apple iPad or an Android tablet MUST possess a slot for a SIM card or be eSIM/vSIM compatible to sustain its unique cellular data plan. We stipulate utilizing or procuring a relatively recent tablet model here. This is because the tablet should be capable of running the latest version of the RV navigation app you will require from the App Store or the Google Play Store. An outdated tablet will struggle to support this, at least not for an extended period, and will perform sluggishly. Acquiring a new device also guarantees you have ample space to download the map data.

Additional Merits

The significant advantage of this setup is that you are not merely acquiring a screen for your large display RV GPS. You are also securing a fully operational, wholly functional tablet. The tablet can be utilized to operate a trip-planning application, along with accessing email, internet, FaceTime, messaging, streaming movies, and so forth. Most crucially, it will run the RV GPS navigation app you will ultimately obtain.

Another aspect not to disregard is that the tablet itself can be replaced whenever necessary. Whether you seek the latest functionalities of a new model or the older one malfunctions, slows down, or becomes outdated. Simply transfer the cell data to the fresh device, redownload the mobile app, and you are prepared to proceed. Note that certain tablets feature integrated GPS, simplifying the process even further.

  • Price: At present, a standard 10th generation Apple iPad with a 10.9-inch screen capable of cellular connectivity commences around $500.
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An Exclusive Cellular Data Plan for the Tablet

To establish your own large display RV GPS, your fresh tablet must feature cellular capabilities. In numerous instances, a tablet like an Apple iPad often resembles an oversizedThe edition of your iPhone. Actually, they have many similarities and often sound at the same time when messages come in. The significant contrast, apart from the dimensions, lies in the cellular connection with the GPS chip; your cell phone always has one, while your tablet probably lacks it unless you specifically acquired one with that feature.

Hotspot or Not Spot?

Let’s take a moment to clarify some misunderstanding regarding hotspotting a tablet through your mobile device. For online activities like those mentioned earlier (such as trip planning, email, internet, FaceTime, texting, streaming movies, etc.) you can utilize your cell phone as a hotspot.

However, you cannot…I emphasize, cannot…reliably employ the same hotspot for navigation using the tablet, be it Apple or Android. GPS navigation relies on getting location data from satellites that is processed and triangulated by the GPS chipset. Without the cellular data plan, your tablet is unable to receive that data. When hotspotting, it gets its location data not from the phone itself, but from the closest internet ping point it can locate while passing through your phone. Typically, this is a cell tower or an internet provider that might be miles away from your location.

With a suitable cellular-equipped tablet, your gadget derives its location from the GPS satellites and is highly precise. When hotspotting from your cell phone, it derives its location from the various routers and switches it discovers in the internet connection. It might display you as being 300 feet away from the highway or a couple of miles distant in a field somewhere. Using your phone’s hotspot for RV-safe navigation is not feasible.

  • Price: Data plans for tablets range from $10–$30 monthly based on a variety of factors.

A Comprehensive RV Trip Planner with RV Safe GPS Navigation App

An extensive issue with most aftermarket large-screen RV GPS devices is that they merely provide a way to travel from location A to location B. There is minimal input or confirmation from the driver. While some may offer a selection of routes, you lack real insight into the terrain or road conditions. After choosing your route, you are subject to the GPS directions, going wherever it decides.

An improved option is to be able to fully plan and review your RV journey before hitting the road or leaving the campsite. This process involves utilizing satellite view, street view, estimated drive time, speed, and distance. All of this can be altered and tailored to deliver an ideal driving experience for you and your RV type.

It’s one thing to estimate when you will need to refuel, but what if you could know precisely? Further, what if you could preview planned refueling stops in satellite and street view to confirm you can access and depart from that station, ensuring it has fuel pumps suitable for your RV?

Imagine having prior knowledge of your refueling stops and being certain of a smooth in and out process!

The same applies to rest areas, campgrounds, and any other stops in your itinerary. By leveraging these same tools, you can assess intended travel paths to evaluate road conditions, altitude, and even the inclination or slope gradient. Additionally, you can scrutinize the selected campgrounds thoroughly, accessing images, recommendations, and feedback from actual RV travelers.

Navigate the Route YOU Have Planned

As Robert Burns famously stated, “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” What’s the point of all that detailed planning and validation if the GPS directs you wherever IT prefers? For a complete RV trip-planning tool, it should come with a GPS mobile application that navigates the journey you have devised, in the manner you desire.

A reliable mobile GPS navigation app will also enable you to download map data for the trips you anticipate taking to prevent losing your way if the cellular link fails. These offline map downloads should be simple without the need for extra software or cables, and map updates should not incur additional charges. The only tool meeting ALL these RV trip-planning and navigation necessities is RV LIFE Pro, offering the RV LIFE Trip Wizard planning utility alongside the RV LIFE RV secure mobile GPS app for Apple and Android.

  • Price: Currently, RV LIFE Pro costs only $65 yearly, and new members are guaranteed the existing price without potential hikes.
tripwizard group

A Mobile Mount for the Tablet

The final stage in setting up your large-screen RV GPS is finding a spot to mount your tablet. Motorhome owners have it relatively easy in this regard. This is due to the ample dashboard space, glass surfaces, and power sockets commonly found in motorhomes. Various suction-cup mounts, cup-holder mounts, and track systems are available for tablet installation.

Truck owners towing an RV can explore model-specific solutions from companies like BULLETPOINT Mounting Solutions. If you’re contemplating crafting your own large-screen RV GPS, determining the mounting position and setup will be your primary challenge. Once you crack that puzzle, the remainder is straightforward.

  • Price: Around $100–$200 depending on different configuration options.

Is it all Worth it?

After assessing the task at hand, one must ponder…is it justified? From a financial perspective, it could swing either way, depending on the comparison between different large-screen RV GPS units and the tablet selected. Upon detailed review and breakdown, though, it will likely appear as a beneficial investment.

With a standalone RV GPS, you acquire a single-purpose device. Once it becomes outdated or map updates cease, a replacement becomes necessary. This device serves no other purpose, resulting in it remaining unused for a significant part of the year, except for full-time RVers. Essentially, it offers rudimentary trip planning at best, with limited helpful features.

On the flip side, creating your large-screen RV GPS provides a potent trip planner usable on any device with a compatible web browser such as Chrome or Firefox (laptop, tablet, phone, etc.). It offers a versatile tablet serving multiple roles when not utilized as an RV GPS. Your navigation adheres to the planned route, as tailored by you, rather than arbitrary GPS directives.with a portable application that will guide you along the path you have outlined and checked with the travel organizer, rather than the direction it prefers.

The Conclusion

Forget about the era when the GPS dictated your driving routes. Now, it directs you to stick to the path you have meticulously crafted with a remarkable trip planner. No more unexpected turns or missing out on breathtaking sights because your GPS suggested a route that was 5 minutes faster. Start off your upcoming RV adventure with RV LIFE Pro. Utilize the RV LIFE mobile app on your Apple or Android device for navigation. If your vehicle is compatible, you can enjoy on-screen navigation directly from the app. If you are tempted by the allure of a larger display, now you have the knowledge to leverage your existing RV LIFE Pro subscription to make something grander.

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