Is Utilizing a Brokerage Service to Vend Your Camper Van a Wise Choice?

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By Car Brand Experts

an old camper van in a driveway with a For Sale sign in the window
Instead of attempting to sell your camper van by positioning it in your driveway with a For Sale sign in the window, a miracle would almost be necessary to complete the sale that way. Photo: P Dent

Procrastination Incurs Expenses

If you’re akin to numerous camper van proprietors, initiating the procedure to sell your camper van can be perplexing. Hence, you delay, rationalize, and postpone for another period. Your thought process might lead you to conclude, “Well, I suppose waiting until next spring is the best course of action.” Most likely, you deliberated slowly before reaching that verdict, thereby prolonging the duration in which you’ve owned a valuable asset. Camper van values dwindle over time, and each passing day or season consequently results in augmented monetary loss. We possess firsthand knowledge concerning various avenues for vending your camper van (inclusive of camper van brokerage services). This way, you can swiftly progress with confidence.

Exchange Your Camper Van

If you intend to replace your camper van with a more sizable or contemporary model, employing your current camper van as a trade-in is the simplest method. Unfortunately, not everyone has the trade-in alternative at their disposal, and utilizing your camper van as a trade-in will markedly reduce your monetary gains. Opting for the trade-in route might be the path of least resistance—yet be cognizant that it is the most expensive course of action.

Conversely, the sum of cash you could amass by selling your camper van in the private sphere may be as high as 40% more than the sum you’d receive through a trade-in. Even more alarming is that numerous camper van dealers restrict the acceptance of RVs in trade based on their age, type, and condition. If you possess an aged camper van or one necessitating some refurbishment to reinstate it to working order, several dealers won’t consent to it in trade.

blue and while class A motorhome next to a tree
A 20-year old camper van with 120,000 miles is not typically sought after by most dealers for trade-ins. Photo: P Dent

Personal Tale of Vending

We possess some personal exposure in this domain. Subsequent to procuring a new Class A camper van from a dealer in Florida in 2019, we traversed from Vancouver Island, British Columbia in our 20-year-old Class A camper van to Florida for collecting the new one. Although all systems were functioning effectively in the old vehicle and its visual condition was relatively decent, the dealer hesitated to allot space on their lot for a low-value camper van with 120,000 miles on the odometer. Consequently, the dealer orchestrated a meeting for us with a Florida camper van wholesaler, who outright purchased our camper van.

A more advantageous avenue could have entailed utilizing a camper van consignor such as Blue Compass RV or Bish’s RV. Vending it privately from that location wouldn’t have been feasible (for us). Nevertheless, we could have stationed our old camper van on a consignment lot and delegated all buyer inquiries, test drives, and documents to the consignor.

Although it might have necessitated a few weeks to finalize the sale, consigning it would have generated considerably greater returns compared to selling it to a wholesaler. Unfortunately, at that juncture, we weren’t familiar with camper van brokerage services. Since then, we’ve extensively delved into all aspects related to vending a camper van. I’m delighted to share this information with you so you can make well-informed choices. Further, this information will enable you to take prompt action to prevent losing value by relegating your camper van to a storage area or the rear of a barn.

Three Levels of Participation, Three Varying Yields

I perceive consignment vending as the intermediary path. As elucidated earlier, you can employ your camper van as a trade-in for a newer model or vend it privately. Each of these options entails trade-offs. Opting for the trade-in option is the simplest and most expedient course. However, it will ensue in the least monetary compensation.

Vending it privately will necessitate more effort, yet you’ll secure a significantly higher price for your camper van. Up to nearly 40% higher than the trade-in alternative and up to 20% superior to consignment. When we touch upon vending it privately, there exists efficient and ineffective methodologies. Placing your camper van in your driveway with a “For Sale” sign isn’t the ideal approach. In reality, this approach will likely culminate in frustration and disillusionment. This is where many individuals encounter obstacles when contemplating selling their camper vans. Hence, numerous camper vans end up as an immense heap of wreckage on someone’s remote property, enmeshed in bramble vines.

The optimal approach to vend a camper van in the private sector involves acquiring professional assistance. There exists a corporation solely dedicated to catering to For-Sale-By-Owner camper van sellers. For a nominal fee, the personnel at National Vehicle will support you at every stage. National RV can even facilitate buyer financing and assist with inspections and transportation. You can access further information pertaining to private market selling here.

retro caravan in green and white
Upon grasping the intricacies of consignment solutions, you can make an informed choice on whether it’s optimal for vending your RV. Snapshot: P Dent

Consignment Represents a Middle Path

Delving into the realm of selling your RV brings up a third alternative, which stands as a balanced compromise. It sits between the realms of private sales and utilizing the RV as a trade-in. This intermediary choice involves engaging a consignor to facilitate the sale of your RV to an individual. Opting for this route entails less labor on your part compared to selling it privately, and results in a higher cash return than trading it in. 

Opting for consignment services presents a fusion of a more favorable price and reduced hassle, yet a word of caution is warranted. Not all consignment selections are of the same caliber. The bottom tier of this approach to RV sales is essentially a vacant lot situated on a bustling street where you lease space. In this scenario, you bear a monthly charge for lot usage without any attendant services. Placing a “For Sale” sign on your RV’s window conveys information about the vehicle and your contact details. It becomes your responsibility to meet potential buyers, showcase the RV, answer queries, negotiate the price, manage the paperwork, and finalize the financial transaction. 

This form of consignment arrangement only marginally surpasses parking an RV in your driveway with a “For Sale” sign. While it might enhance the exposure for the RV, no additional services are extended by the consignor. 

Diverse Consignment Offerings and Charges

Instead of paying for space rental in an unattended consignment lot, another avenue is to engage a consignor who furnishes sales support. These amenities could encompass cleaning and examining the RV, addressing visible damages, exhibiting the RV, negotiating the price, and handling the paperwork and financing duties. 

Simply drop off your RV, sign a contract stipulating the sum you’ll receive after the sale, and await your payment. The consignor will appraise the RV and ascertain its value. Hinging on this appraisal and your negotiation on the price, you’ll be remunerated following the completion of the sale. 

Another category of consignment service necessitates your involvement in pre-sale preparations. In this scenario, you’ll be tasked with cleaning and prepping your RV for sale and providing the consignor with images for advertising purposes. Nearly all consignors will draft adverts for your RV and place them in popular RV periodicals frequented by RV enthusiasts. The specifics of the RV’s promotional campaign and duration of exposure should be part of your negotiation process.

Moreover, be mindful that certain consignors expect you to handle some initial groundwork while others include preparation and photography within their suite of services. The level of assistance provided will impact the associated fees. Regardless, once your RV is situated on the consignment premises, the personnel will field buyer inquiries, respond to online correspondence, meet with potential buyers, showcase the RV, negotiate the price, and manage the paperwork and financial transactions. Your role at that point is to collect your payment.  

an oversized camper on the back of a truck
Even truck campers can be consigned or sold on the private market. Snapshot: P Dent

Locate and Assess Nearby Consignors

By now, you likely comprehend the notable distinctions between the various consignors in your vicinity. Each boasts its own set of rules, principles, and charges. Consequently, it is prudent to identify as many local consignors as feasible and compare their support and fees. 

Most expansive dealership networks, such as Blue Compass RV and Meyers RV Superstore, render consignment services accessible, with many offering an initial valuation of your RV at no cost.  On a side note, National Vehicle also furnishes complimentary valuations, so if you opt for this trajectory, you can start by acquiring essential data or leverage these free assessments for comparison with valuations from other consignors. Personally, I have more faith in National Vehicle’s appraisal since the company levies a modest fixed fee for its services, not a percentage of the sales price. National RV has a vested interest in delivering an impartial evaluation of your RV’s worth.

Obtain Several Evaluations

Furthermore, after compiling a roster of consignors in your vicinity, endeavor to secure valuations from multiple sources. I strongly advocate for attaining more than one valuation. Doing so offers a clearer picture of what you can reasonably anticipate for your RV and helps steer clear of any concealed charges. Some consignors might offer a low valuation initially, only to agree on remitting a fraction of that price post-sale. The eventual selling price remains uncertain, so linking your payment to a fraction of a low value widens the profit margin for the consignor. A lack of clarity on your RV’s value could leave you shortchanged on your asset. 

Regrettably, consignors’ fee structures are not uniformly disclosed (they might take the form of a fixed sum or a percentage of the sale price, usually ranging between 20% and 30%), hence you should ascertain and finalize the fees before settling on a consignor. 

Preemptively Understand the Services Offered

It’s paramount to investigate the precise array of services each consignor extends. Commence with their advertising policies. This proves pivotal as inadequate publicity can significantly prolong the selling period. Additionally, inquire whether safety inspections and necessary repairs are part of the service to enhance your RV’s marketability. Determine the quantity of sales staff present on the lot daily and their availability during operational hours. What about after-hours security measures? In case of damage or vandalism to your RV while on their premises, who bears the liability? If any outstanding balance remains on your RV, determine how the consignor will handle the payoff with your lender. Pose meticulous queries to potential consignors to gauge who can be entrusted with your RV’s sale. 

Inquiries Unveil the Workings of Consignment

All these queries hold significance and will aid in discovering the nuances of the consignment process. They are crucial in ensuring a smooth and successful transaction.

Explore the intricacies of your nearby resale services. After assessing the different consignors available, you can make a well-informed choice on whom to engage. Discovering local consignors should not pose a significant challenge. Major RV dealerships, such as Blue Compass RV with outlets in 33 states and a vast inventory of over 15,000 new and pre-owned RVs, offer these services. Other dealers like Bish’s RV, Meyers RV Superstore, and even Camping World also provide consignment options. Evaluate each consignment choice thoroughly to weigh the benefits and drawbacks.

a class C motorhome approaching in the oncoming traffic
Understanding all the options for selling your RV will help you make the right decision. Photo: P Dent

Various Approaches to Sell Your RV

In summary, there exist numerous methods to sell your RV. However, the crucial decision is to take a firm step forward and initiate the process promptly.


  • Solo private sale/ No charges
  • Assisted private sale/ Modest one-time charge
  • Trade-in at dealership/ Fee included in the transaction
  • Consignment with no assistance/ Minimal lot rent fee
  • Consignment with slight assistance/ Varies as per the consignor’s policy
  • Consignment with extensive assistance/ Varies as per the consignor’s policy


Whether you opt to independently sell your old RV, use it as a trade-in, seek professional assistance in the For Sale By Owner Market, or entrust it to a reliable consignment dealer, take action promptly. Avoid delaying the process like many who allow their valuable asset to deteriorate due to indecision.

Now that you are informed, take the first decisive step towards selling your RV.

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