The True Explanation Behind This Gentleman Swapped His C8 Corvette for a Mitsubishi Outlander

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By Car Brand Experts

During the past week, the online community was in uproar when the tale of Tommy, an individual who exchanged his stunning Rapid Blue 2020 Chevrolet Corvette C8 for something more mainstream: a Mitsubishi Outlander, also recognized as one of the least favored vehicles in the market, was recounted. Theories circulated swiftly: Monetary distress? A resentful spouse? A medical episode? Yet, we have discovered the genuine account behind the infamous trade-in, and to our surprise: Tommy outfoxed us all.

The narrative commenced with a Mitsubishi dealership in Hurst, Texas releasing a (now-erased) Facebook announcement commending one of its patrons, Tommy, for swapping his C8 for a brand-new Outlander. We have glimpsed how these seemingly harmless dealership posts can incite the masses before, and to the chagrin of nearly everyone, it seemed that Tommy opted to exchange one of the most notable American sports cars for a modest crossover from a declining brand.


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Enthusiasts swiftly seized upon this, with thousands of comments and shares flooding in as individuals speculated about Tommy’s matrimony, his financial condition, or any other reason that might have motivated him to execute such a transaction. Before eliminating the original post, Hurst Autoplex heightened the intrigue by revealing in a subsequent comment that Tommy “wasn’t struggling” and had swapped the Corvette for the Outlander by his own choice. Yet…why?

Following the publication of our article on Tuesday, a deluge of tips rolled in from individuals who either had a personal connection with Tommy or were somehow entangled in the most disputable automobile transaction of 2020. This includes Mike Baum, the pre-owned sales director at Hurst Autoplex, who revealed what he alleges is the genuine explanation: Tommy had set aside and procured the C8 with the intention of vending it at Hurst from the beginning. He never truly desired the Corvette.

“Initially, he merely purchased the C8 to resell to me,” mentioned Baum. “We focus on [pre-owned] sports vehicles, elevated trucks, etc.”

Regarding the notion of “swapping it” for a Mitsubishi, Baum asserted that it was entirely fortuitous. “While he was present [for selling the Corvette], he stated he required a utility SUV for running errands in town. He selected an Outlander.”

Baum also added that Tommy benefited from a tax allowance on his trade-in. Considering the cost variance between the Outlander and C8, Tommy didn’t even have to remit sales tax on his fresh crossover.

The markups on new or gently used C8 ‘Vettes still hover in the lower five-figure span, occasionally higher depending on configurations. Although Baum declined to furnish us with the monetary specifics of the transaction, an individual purporting to be a buddy of Tommy reached out with the data everyone wanted to uncover. As per the companion, Tommy ultimately unloaded the C8 for a handsome $10,000 above his procurement cost, which, for a 2020 C8 Corvette LT3, we approximate to be around $81,219 after Texas sales tax is factored in. Hence, Tommy exited the C8 venture with a chic $10K in returns.

Moreover, the acquaintance also revealed that Tommy disbursed approximately $19,000 for the Outlander prior to his $10,000 dealer payout for the vehicle. And since the $1,187 in sales tax was excused owing to the swap, Tommy conceivably possesses a brand-new Mitsubishi Outlander for merely $9,000.

Impressive move, Tommy. Impressive indeed.


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Nonetheless, what became of Tommy’s Corvette, presently the most renowned C8 on the web? It was swiftly purchased by an individual, a Texan by the name of Ryan Wells, who is excessively content with his acquisition. We conversed with him and discovered that his procurement

Acquiring a C8 took a considerable amount of time—indeed, he traded in his old Z06 to maximize his funds prior to purchasing the new mid-engine ‘Vette. The challenge lay simply in locating one for sale.

Wells disclosed that he had not intended to buy a C8 this week, but upon encountering a viral Facebook post within a group chat he belonged to, he recognized what needed to be done. He had meticulously configured that precise C8 around five or six times on GM’s Corvette customizer, and although he had a strong preference for the Z51 package, he expressed contentment in securing any C8, emphasizing that “those in need can’t afford to be selective.”

Interestingly, Wells found himself merely three minutes away from the dealership, enjoying lunch, when he received the text notification. Promptly, he drove to the premises, located a sales representative, and submitted a deposit to secure the purchase of the 1,215-mile C8.

“Throughout the transaction, all that was on my mind was, ‘Thanks a lot, Tommy,'” chuckled Wells, exuding continued excitement about his acquisition. “This car is just fantastic, every aspect of it is fantastic. My spouse adores it, my children adore it. It’s truly remarkable.”


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We have yet to establish direct contact with Tommy, but Baum informed us that he found amusement in the considerable attention garnered from Facebook. It can be safely assumed that he finds the deal equally amusing…all the way to the financial institution.

Hence, it appears that Tommy emerged as the astute individual in the end. Despite Wells’ immense pleasure in his new vehicle, he harbored the same exact query as we did: Why opt for a Mitsubishi Outlander? Nevertheless, the world is enriched with a touch of enigma.

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