Reasons for the deficiency of your digital ordering system in a catering approach

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By Car Brand Experts

Erle Dardick, a seasoned catering specialist, discloses strategies for restaurants to establish a robust foundation for off-premises and catering expansion.

The catering sector is vast, varied, and intricate. In the midst of an ongoing stream of innovative technologies and concepts, it’s effortless to become entangled in the minutiae. Is this catering application sufficient? Does it cater to all my requirements? Are special handling protocols necessary for catering products across various platforms? Do my current delivery mechanisms function efficiently at a larger scale? Managing customer data? Third-party catering platforms? Catering proficiency? Catering earnings?

Oh dear! There are countless aspects that must be addressed to prosper in the catering realm within this domain. Thus, the crucial question emerges: How can I establish a robust off-premises and catering base that not only facilitates large-scale operations but also facilitates ongoing expansion?

The limitations of technology as a panacea
Let’s commence with that which does not suffice as the solution: catering order management technology. To be clear, the technology you opt for to drive your enterprise holds immense significance; however, its role is to buttress an underlying strategy, not the inverse. The key to your restaurant’s success lies in comprehending the fundamental principles governing every decision you take, be it related to menu choices, product distinctions across multiple platforms, sales, and yes, the technological tools enabling you to execute other operations.

Visualize a firm undergoing a decline. Let’s dub it Company X. Emphasizing cost-cutting constitutes a primary objective, fueling heightened emotions. Workloads mount, and catering alongside other projects continue to suffer from inadequate funding. The situation is dire. Employees are apprehensive about their job stability, prompting doubts regarding task completion.

Envisage this corporation displaying its mission statement prominently on its entrance. Perhaps, in bygone days, it served as an inspiration. Today, however, passersby stroll right past, scarcely noticing those words anymore. The mission has essentially faded into the background, devoid of significance, failing to be manifest in any meaningful way. Leadership displays a lack of interest in the visionary aspect. They are indifferent to their initial aspirations; their exclusive focus resides in salvaging the foundering vessel. All that catches their eye is the water splattering on the deck, not the gaping hole in the hull.

Within the domain of enterprise-level dining establishments, individuals frequently prioritize immediate stock prices above all else. It’s not entirely their fault. They strive to provide for their families. Consequently, they forsake what they perceive as a faltering market and pursue alternative avenues for growth.

Instances of this nature are not unfamiliar to me. It’s remarkably simple to resign oneself to the notion that the economic climate is unfavorable with no viable remedies at one’s disposal.

Conversely, I’ve observed companies earnestly endeavoring to rectify their circumstances. On occasion, they emerge from tumultuous periods with leaders who steadfastly strive to rectify the course and navigate through challenges. Sometimes, these efforts culminate in success.

These triumphant narratives share a common attribute: their unwavering commitment to transformative action. When a business is ailing, two authentic possibilities materialize: you either relinquish it or choose to chart a divergent course. And by divergent, I mean radically distinctive. Surface-level solutions won’t suffice; it’s about fundamentally reshaping a company’s essence to fortify it and render it resilient enough to endure any storm.

My intention isn’t to suggest that external factors are nonexistent. Undeniably, they exist. At times, the economic climate is genuinely unfavorable. However, external circumstances are transient; adversity doesn’t persist indefinitely. Your organization may be weathering a drought, but the critical aspect is positioning yourself to leverage the forthcoming opportunities. The capacity to capitalize on these prospects commences with the mindset and adherence to superior practices. This juncture delineates where catering reemerges.

Let’s reimagine Company X momentarily. Certainly, the corporate landscape has been arduous, with revenues scarcely meeting expenses and wafer-thin profit margins. Nonetheless, the business retains a vivid recollection of its mission statement and steadfastly commits to adhering to its catering best practices and strategic vision.

Suddenly, a lucrative catering contract materializes out of thin air. Though infrequent, such occurrences transpire now and then. Company X finalizes the deal and, a few days later, successfully fulfills the order. The execution is flawless. Despite prevailing challenges, critical areas have not been subjected to cost reductions. From receiving the order to delivering it, Company X operates as a finely tuned mechanism.

Consequentially (owing to Company X’s adeptness with the 5 stages of Takeout, Delivery, and Catering), Company X diligently follows up with its patrons to ensure their satisfaction and conveys its perpetual readiness to cater forthcoming events. To their delight, the clients express contentment! Furthermore, upon contemplation, one of their affiliates requires catering services. By staying committed to best practices, unexpectedly, a single transaction evolves into a dual accomplishment. This initial success is the springboard for subsequent victories.

Encounters of this nature abound in the realm of catering. By embracing best practices, allocating resources judiciously, and comprehending how a strategic catering framework can bolster your sales and expansion, your brand acquires a form of omnipotence, augmenting every catering opportunity that presents itself.

This is not to insinuate that the process is straightforward. Countless considerations contributed to that solitary transaction, albeit unelaborated in this discourse. How was the food transported in optimal condition? How was order volume managed? What pricing strategy was employed? Menu curation? Sustained engagement?

The essential point is commencing somewhere. We necessitate a mechanism to guide the overarching decisions we, as off-premises operators, undertake. The moment to commit to catering is now. In the absence of a coherent plan, how can improvements transpire? Absent prudent investments, how can successes be achieved? Without clear benchmarks, how can one assess the efficacy of the various catering channels?

Pause, reflect, and allocate time to contemplate the favorable impact catering can impart on your enterprise.

Much obliged for your attention. Engage in catering and augment your revenues!

If delving into the components of a thriving off-premises strategy piques your interest, don’t hesitate to click here to enroll in The Restaurant Catering Workshop, scheduled for October 15-16 in Denver, following the Fast Casual Executive Summit. Dardick and numerous other catering specialists will guide attendees in formulating a catering foundation engineered for sustainable expansion.

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