Watch This Neglected Toyota Supra Shine Again After 14 Years in a Backyard

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By Car Brand Experts

Neglected Toyota Supra Revived After 14 Years in a Backyard – A Restoration Story

Discover the Journey of a Toyota Supra Turbo Rescued From Neglect

Don’t be too quick to judge the owner of a 1995 Toyota Supra turbo left to languish for over a decade in a backyard. Picked up in 2001, this sleek machine was no longer the focus as the owner’s family expanded. The deep slumber of this iconic car ended recently when the owner decided to give it some much-needed attention.

A Tale of Abandonment and Redemption

Unearthed from its burial in dirt, the once-mighty Supra was a sad sight. Covered in moss, dirt, and grime, the car bore the scars of time. The interior was moldy, the clear coat damaged, and wildlife had made homes in unexpected places. However, hope glimmered as the car was brought back to a detailing shop for some long-overdue TLC.

Seeing the Light at the End of the Tunnel

The restoration journey was not without its challenges. Rusted brake rotors, corroded calipers, and nests of leaves and rodents in various nooks and crannies were just the beginning. Nonetheless, with persistent cleaning and polishing efforts, the Supra started to reclaim its former glory. While some damage was irreversible, the car emerged in significantly improved condition.

What’s Next for This Classic Beauty?

Despite not being in perfect shape – with paint damage, worn-out interior, and mechanical issues – the Toyota Supra now stands as a testament to what care and attention can achieve. Whether a full restoration or essential fixes lie ahead, this car, now potentially worth a good sum, deserves a second chance on the road.


The resurrected Toyota Supra serves as a reminder that classic cars are more than just machines; they hold memories and stories that deserve to be preserved and cherished. Neglect may dim their sparkle, but with dedication and effort, their brilliance can shine anew.


Can a neglected car like the Toyota Supra be restored to its former glory?

Yes, with the right expertise and effort, neglected cars can undergo remarkable transformations, as shown by the restoration of the Toyota Supra after years of abandonment.

How long was the Toyota Supra abandoned before its restoration?

The Toyota Supra had been left neglected in a backyard for over 14 years before the owner decided to revive it.

Is the Toyota Supra valuable despite its neglect?

Despite years of abandonment and neglect, classic cars like the Toyota Supra can still hold significant worth, making them worthwhile restoration projects.

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