Pick up Truck in 5 days – thoughts on automotive design

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By Car Brand Experts

Crafting a Full Pickup Truck Design in Just 5 Days

In this article, we delve into the exciting journey of designing a complete pickup truck in a mere five days. Discover the creative process behind bringing an automotive vision to life in a short span, emphasizing efficient design practices and practical techniques.

The Challenge of Designing from Various Views

As a budding designer, the task of creating a design proposal featuring three distinct views can be quite daunting. Maintaining consistency in proportions, colors, and details across different perspectives is crucial in automotive design.

Crafting the Side View – Day 1

Creating an impeccable side view sets the foundation for the entire design process. The focus lies on achieving the right balance and proportions. Reference real-life vehicles and leverage tools like Photoshop to refine shapes and add color nuances.

Transitioning to 3D – Day 2

Moving into the realm of 3D without delving into complex surfacing, the emphasis shifts to creating a precise line model. Utilize Autodesk Alias for its industry-standard capabilities. Transcribe your 2D sketch into a 3D space with attention to accuracy and detail.

Enhancing Dimensionality – Day 3

Bring your design to life by infusing depth and dimensionality. Use existing 3D models or blueprints as guides to ensure the width and curvature align with industry standards. Platforms like GrabCAD offer a repository of free 3D models for added support.


Embarking on a five-day journey to design a pickup truck unveils the intricate yet rewarding process of automotive design. From perfecting the side view to transitioning into 3D and enhancing dimensionality, each step contributes to the creation of a compelling and dynamic vehicle proposal.


How important is the side view in automotive design?

The side view serves as the cornerstone of any automotive design, laying the groundwork for further development. It dictates crucial aspects such as proportion and balance.

What software is recommended for transitioning to 3D in automotive design?

Autodesk Alias stands out as a popular choice in the automotive industry for creating precise line models and transitioning from 2D sketches to 3D representations.

Where can I find free 3D models to aid in my design process?

Platforms like GrabCAD offer a diverse collection of free 3D models that can serve as templates and references during the design journey.# Article:

Designing a Pickup Truck: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you eager to create your own pickup truck design but not sure where to start? Follow this step-by-step guide to bring your vision to life in less than a week.

Choosing the Best Views

Start by selecting three views that showcase your design effectively. Capture screenshots and enhance the contrast to highlight the lines. Print them out to comfortably sketch your ideas for the front and rear of the vehicle.

Sketching Your Design

When sketching, focus on conveying essential information rather than intricate details. Don’t worry about leaving some areas empty – it’s all part of the creative process.

Taking Your Sketches to Photoshop

Once your sketches are ready, scan them and import them into Photoshop. Leverage the line model from the side view to maintain proportion, balance, and perspective effortlessly. This efficient approach saves you valuable time.

Creating a Rendering

Invest your time in creating a high-quality rendering of your design. If you face uncertainties along the way, aim to complete your design rather than constantly making changes. Following these steps diligently will lead you to a fully realized pickup truck design within a week.


Embark on your design journey with confidence using these structured steps. From initial sketches to polished renderings, this guide streamlines the process, allowing your creativity to shine.


What software can I use for sketching and rendering my pickup truck design?

You can use Photoshop for both sketching and rendering. Photoshop offers a wide range of tools and features ideal for automotive design projects.

How can I ensure my design is balanced and proportionate?

By utilizing the line model based on the side view of your pickup truck, you automatically incorporate balance and proportion into your design, saving time and ensuring accuracy.

Is drawing experience necessary to follow this guide?

While drawing experience can be beneficial, this guide emphasizes conveying your design ideas effectively rather than artistic perfection. Feel free to explore and experiment with your creativity.

By following these steps and tips, you can bring your pickup truck design to life efficiently and creatively. Start your design journey today and unleash your imagination on the canvas of automotive innovation.

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