Meaning of the Cadillac Symbol

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By Car Brand Experts

What Does the Cadillac Symbol Mean?


The symbol for the Cadillac car is called the “Cadillac Crest.” It’s set up just like a medieval coat of arms as they had for families during the Middle Ages. The original beginnings of the symbol began with a family that founded the City of Detroit back in 1701.

The family was named Cadillac; specifically, it’s the coat of arms for the explorer Le Sieur Antoine del a Mothe Cadillac. In 1902, the Cadillac vehicle company decided to adopt this coat of arms to associate their name with the skills, free spirit, and courage that the original explorer showed himself.

Cadillac cars originally started coming out with the Cadillac crest in 1905. This was when they registered it as a trademark. The coat of arms has two different parts to it. One is a shield, and the other is a coat.

The other part of the crest is the wreath in silver around it. This is called the coronet, and it symbolizes the ancient courts of France. Other symbols on the coronet show that the family descends from royalty.

The shape of the shield itself is after the shields of crusaders. The colors of black and gold for half the coat stand for riches and wisdom. These quarters symbolize the Mothe family, which the original explorer came from along with Cadillac.

Adoption by Cadillac

The other half, which has quarter boxes with red, blue, and white, were later added to the Mothe family. These symbolize “prowess and boldness in action” for red, virtue for white or silver, and “knightly valor” for blue.

The abundance of crossbars in the design comes from the crusades, and it symbolizes honor and courage, or “knightly valor.”

The coronet and the wreath are often eliminated or modified as the crest changed throughout the years when it comes to the Cadillac Crest for the car company. The symbol has gone through many changes and interpretations over the years, but the symbols that persist focus on wealth, honor, and courage, as well as an enterprising spirit.

The man who founded the city of Detroit, an explorer, certainly showed these qualities, and they are exactly the kind of traits that the car company Cadillac displays.

If you want to learn any more about Cadillac and its history, what Cadillac vehicles we have available at our dealer, please don’t hesitate to go ahead and contact us today. You can do that through our website, phone, or visit us directly at our lot!

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