4 Essential Tools for Easy Writing on the Go, No Matter Where You Are

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By Car Brand Experts

The rise of remote work has significantly simplified the ability to remain productive while traveling. Tools like Slack and Zoom, along with time zone calculators on shared calendars, facilitate this transition. For those whose jobs heavily involve writing—whether it’s crafting numerous emails, reporting, or generating newsletters—a laptop and internet connection are typically sufficient to ensure you’re well-equipped.

However, it’s important to recognize that working while traveling isn’t always as straightforward as it sounds. Writing on the go often means typing away in bustling airport lounges, cramped cars, or uninspiring hotel lobbies filled with poor music, rather than comfortably at an organized desk.

Fortunately, there are strategies to enhance comfort and focus while writing on the road. Here are four essential items that can aid in maintaining your writing flow, no matter your location.

### A Portable Power Bank

One of the biggest concerns for any writer is the possibility of their device dying mid-sentence. Although many public places such as airports and hotels offer charging ports, these can be hard to find, overcrowded, or in poor working condition. At times, I have had to uncomfortably sit on the dirty floor of an airport just to access an outlet.

To avoid such scenarios, it’s wise to carry a fully charged power bank at all times. I travel with a robust power bank, equipped with two USB ports, which takes quite some time to recharge. I ensure it’s topped up days before I head out, finding the extra weight worthwhile for the ability to fully charge my devices multiple times. Depending on your specific needs, the ideal power bank may vary, and we have a selection of options available to help you choose.

### A USB Hub with Multiple Ports

Never has a laptop had enough USB ports to meet all our needs. Until a miracle occurs, it’s advisable to bring along a USB hub to ensure you can connect all your necessary devices wherever you are. USB hubs are generally compact enough to transport easily alongside your other gear.

I personally favor a hub with four additional ports for my backup drive, microphone, headphone charger, and other essentials. However, you can find hubs with various configurations that may include SD card readers and headphone jacks. It’s a good strategy to account for an extra port or two, just in case one malfunctions; it’s better to be over-prepared than caught short in a crucial moment. If you’re uncertain about the best USB hub for your needs, we’ve compiled a range of options to consider.

### Noise-Canceling Headphones for Focus

Finding silence while writing on the go can often feel impossible. While some people are capable of creating poetry amidst chaos, I am not one of those individuals.

Having noise-canceling headphones can be the crucial difference between maintaining focus on your writing and being distracted by external noises. When deadlines loom, I often rely on this technology, sometimes just enjoying the silence without any music or podcast. I prefer over-ear headphones, as they provide enveloping tranquility—plus, I’m not a fan of in-ear devices. If you’re unsure about which type of noise-canceling technology suits you best, we have a variety of options listed for your review.

### A Mobile Method for Capturing Ideas

The most brilliant ideas often strike when you’re not sitting comfortably at your laptop. They typically come to mind while darting through a train station or waiting in line at a café. Telling yourself to remember an idea rarely works, and it’s likely it will fade before you can jot it down.

To combat this, equip yourself with a way to capture thoughts on the move. I use a speech-to-text app on my smartphone, which is always at hand. Within moments, I can be that person at the coffee shop urgently mentioning something like “bluebottle jellyfish, medicinal uses,” ensuring that my thoughts are quickly captured and stored in text format on my phone, backed up to the cloud. If speaking your ideas aloud in public feels uncomfortable, a notes app or a small notebook can also suffice, but hands-free options generally provide more flexibility while you’re out.

Ultimately, if writing is part of your job, you are a writer, and as a writer, your work can happen anywhere. Make sure you’re prepared for any train station, grocery store, or long flight by having the right tools at your side to transform disorganized thoughts into successful written messages..

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