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By Car Brand Experts

dancing in Sedona

Health concerns arose as a persistent issue during the period my spouse and I embraced full-time RVing.
Cardiovascular challenges troubled Bill while digestive and other anxiety-related ailments bothered me. Captivated by the splendor of America, we were consistently on the move, neglecting our fitness. We should have given more focus to it in three key areas: physical activity, dietary habits, and healthcare.

 Routine Workout

Before our RV journeying days, we maintained a regular gym routine. However, fitness amenities at campgrounds proved to be inconsistent as we commenced our transcontinental escapades. We anticipated that hiking would be our primary exercise, but often we were attacked by swarms of mosquitoes! The weather was either excessively cold or scorching hot. Even though sightseeing involved ample walking, it was merely leisurely.

 Gradually, we comprehended that we needed to engage in at least two of the following activities or else face the consequences. With the surge in popularity of Fitbits, we set a target of achieving a minimum of 6,000 steps each day.

 1.      Participate in a sport for at least 30 minutes on five occasions weekly. Opt for available amenities like table tennis, billiards, mini-golf, golf, tennis, or pickleball. Alternatively, dance!

 3.       Engage in a 30-minute workout at least five times a week, regardless of gym availability. YouTube offers a plethora of workout tutorials. Our personal favorite is Jennifer McClendon.

 2.       Take a 30-minute walk after dinner at least five times a week.

 Nutritious Food Consumption

 In the initial stages of our RVing journey on a smaller scale, we prepared an abundance of vegetables and fruits and had nuts on hand for snacking as we voyaged from one place to another. Upon extending stays at campgrounds and transitioning to a larger RV, our culinary endeavors increased. Drawn to sampling local cuisines, we succumbed to heartier dining.

 Upon the rising popularity of the Blue Zones, we embraced a modified Longevity Diet: emphasizing an intake of more vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains, and fruits, with periodic inclusion of seafood, fish, and occasionally, poultry, pork, or beef. We established the following guidelines:

 1.       Consume a substantial meal once a day, preferably at midday, and two additional light ones or opt for two standard meals, a late breakfast and an early dinner.

 2.       Snack throughout the day with modest morning, afternoon, and evening snacks, such as nuts, fruits, or vegetables.

 3.       Dine out infrequently, reserving such outings for celebratory occasions, and compensate with lighter meals on the remaining days.

 Furthermore, we stumbled upon two inventive methods of skipping a meal at least once weekly. One involves relishing a popcorn lunch while viewing a movie at the cinema. The other entails a lunch comprising complimentary Costco food samples during our shopping excursions.

 As we commenced global travel post-RVing era, we lodged in our timeshare lodgings. These accommodations always feature kitchens, enabling us to shop at local groceries, where an array of delicacies not found in our home country are available, allowing us to cook novel and enticing local dishes.

 From 2019 onwards, we transformed our El Cid timeshares in Mexico into all-inclusive arrangements. Rather than prompting us to overindulge, we acted judiciously and bolstered our commitment with the bountiful seafood, vegetable, and fruit options available at the buffets.  

 Preventative Healthcare Measures

 In the initial phase of our full-time RVing lifestyle, we overlooked preventive healthcare. Subsequently, we transitioned into snowbirds, establishing our RV base in Phoenix every winter. This decision proved to be one of our wisest. The region boasts exceptional healthcare services for seniors owing to its large retired and seasonal senior population. Arizona ranks fifteenth among the United States for eldercare services, which significantly influenced our decision to settle permanently here. We connected with an outstanding family physician who oversees regular screenings and facilitates referrals to requisite specialists.

 While our travels have diminished, the habits we cultivated remain ingrained in our routine. Through consistent physical activity, wholesome dietary choices, and diligent preventive healthcare, we eagerly anticipate further exploration, even in our seventh and eighth decades. 


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